Centre d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel (CALACS) Châteauguay

Organization Description:

The CALACS is an activist, feminist, non-racist community-based organization that works to end all forms of sexual violence. The centre’s mission is to assist women 12 years of age or older who have been sexually assaulted. The CALACS is a group that is open to all women, that respects for their values and beliefs, regardless of their ethno-cultural background, religious affiliation, sexual orientation or disability.


Châteauguay Level of Focus: Local

Scope of Work

Empowerment, Law/Legal, Gender Based Violence

Population Information

Descriptors: Youth Immigrants, new Canadians or refugees Seniors 2SLGBTQ+ communities BIPOC communities Francophone communities Individuals with disabilities Rural and/or Northern communities

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