The project aims to gradually transition participants in Kurmuk village of Blue Nile state from food assistance to livelihoods. About 1,250 participants will be organized in 50 farmers/pastoralist groups. About 45% of direct participants will be female. The ultimate outcome of the project is to enhance equitable and sustainable food and income security for 1,250 vulnerable smallholder households impacted by Sudan Civil war though increased gender-equitable and inclusive agricultural livelihoods. The project will have two intermediate outcomes- increased availability and access to food for female and male headed HHs (intermediate outcome; and improved inclusion and equality of women in decision making in the targeted local food system (intermediate outcome 2). The first stream of activities comprises establishing community extension service providers network by training and enhancing the capacity of promising farmers and supporting them to provide extension advisory to project participants in FFS approach. Nature-based solutions such as conservation or regenerative agriculture practices including better soil and water management will be emphasized in FFS to help farmers adapt to climatic impacts. Local input supply system will be strengthened by identifying and training village agents and helping to establish their connection with Damazine-based suppliers. Likewise, famer market school (FMS) approach will be applied to improve participants understanding on market so that they can participate as an informed actor in the market. Second stream of activities will include establishing and strengthening/ pastoralist groups and applying the community action plan (CAP) approach to build their capacity to identify needs and priorities and take actions to solve their own problem. VSLAs will be promoted in each of the group generate local capital and improve access to finance. The third steam of activities will enhance awareness on gender inequality and GBV by training gender advocates from within the community, helping them to cascade their knowledge to participants through community awareness sessions/dialogues and information dissemination through radio programs and locally relevant IEC materials.
The ultimate outcome of the project is to enhance equitable and sustainable food and income security for 1,250 vulnerable smallholder households impacted by Sudan Civil war though increased gender-equitable and inclusive agricultural livelihoods. The project will have two intermediate outcomes- increased availability and access to food for female and male headed HHs (intermediate outcome; and improved inclusion and equality of women in decision making in the targeted local food system (intermediate outcome 2). The first stream of activities comprises establishing community extension service providers network by training and enhancing the capacity of promising farmers and supporting them to provide extension advisory to project participants in FFS approach.