Gaza Crisis – Regional Humanitarian Response – International Committee of the Red Cross 2023

Reporting Organization:International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 8,200,000
Timeframe: December 5, 2023 - December 31, 2024
Status: Implementation
Contact Information: Unspecified

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Participating Organizations


Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

Palestine - $ 8,200,000.00 (100.00%)

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Areas of Focus

Other - Total Budget Allocation

Humanitarian Response (100.00 %)

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November 2023 – Hostilities between Hamas and Israel erupted on 7 October 2023, resulting in a scale of violence unseen in the past decade. The current humanitarian crisis is unfolding in connection with longstanding Israeli occupation policies, the closure of the Gaza Strip imposed by Israel and Egypt, and recurring rounds of hostilities between Israeli forces and members of Hamas and other non-state armed groups in the Gaza Strip. The primary mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is to help protect the lives and dignity of people affected by conflict and other violent situations. The ICRC assists and works to prevent further suffering by promoting and strengthening international humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles. The ICRC works with local Red Cross and Red Crescent national society staff and volunteers to implement its protection and assistance programmes worldwide. With the support of GAC, the ICRC’s humanitarian operations provide protection, emergency relief, and other essential services to people affected by armed conflict and other violent situations. It also seeks to promote respect for international humanitarian law. This project supports the ICRC’s response to the acute needs of vulnerable Palestinian people affected by the crisis in Gaza and the West Bank. Project activities include: (1) protecting and assisting people affected by conflict and violence by providing medical care, income support, and food assistance; (2) ensuring the respect of international humanitarian law in treating civilians not participating in hostilities and detainees; (3) promoting humanitarian principles of neutrality, impartiality, and independence among all stakeholders; and (4) participating with all stakeholders in negotiating safe access to populations in need.

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Target Population

Gender and age: Unspecified
Total Direct Population: Unspecified
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results

The expected outcomes of this project include: (1) improved access to protection, food assistance, health services, and other essential services for people affected by the crisis in Gaza and the West Bank; (2) increased awareness of all parties of international humanitarian law and humanitarian principles; and (3) increased operational capacities of the Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies. The expected ultimate outcome is lives saved, suffering alleviated, and human dignity maintained in countries experiencing humanitarian crises or acute food insecurity.

Achieved Results


  • None Selected
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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