Improving reproductive health and preventing child marriage in Nepal and Vietnam

Reporting Organization:HealthBridge Foundation of Canada
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 2,123,222
Timeframe: August 1, 2021 - August 1, 2025
Status: Implementation
Contact Information: Sian Fitzgerald
[email protected]

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

HealthBridge Foundation of Canada

Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

Nepal - $ 1,061,611.00 (50.00%)

Vietnam - $ 1,061,611.00 (50.00%)

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Areas of Focus

Health - Total Budget Allocation

Adolescent Health (16.67 %)

Health Promotion & Education (16.67 %)

Reproductive Health & Rights incl. Maternal Health (16.67 %)

Health Systems, Training & Infrastructure (16.66 %)

Sexual Health & Rights (16.66 %)

Other - Total Budget Allocation

Sexual & Gender-based Violence (16.67 %)

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This Project is improving the access and quality of reproductive health services for adolescent girls and women of reproductive age in the Kalikot district of Nepal and the Son La province of Vietnam. Working closely with local partners, International Nepal Fellowship (INF) in Nepal and the Center for Creative Initiatives in Health and Population (CCIHP) in Vietnam, the Project aims to improve health and gender equality (GE) among adolescent girls and women as well as reduce the incidence of child marriages, a form of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). The Project takes an integrated and holistic approach that will empower local adolescent girls and women to exercise their reproductive rights and ensure access to health and reproductive services when needed.

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Target Population

Gender and age: Adolescent females Adolescent males Adult men Adult women
Descriptors: Local minority groups Rural
Total Direct Population: 10,500
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Education materials
Awareness raising
Guidelines developed
Education sessions
Health facility improvement
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results

The overall goal is improved reproductive health and reduced incidence of child marriage in target communities. This is achieved through increased agency of women and girls; and increased utilization of quality gender-sensitive and inclusive health services by adolescent girls and women.

The project also expects to achieve the following outcomes that will contribute to the goal:

Achieved Results


SDG Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • SDG 3.7.1 Proportion of women of reproductive age (aged 15–49 years) who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods
SRHR-related Indicators
  • # of health care service providers trained in SRHR services
  • # of teachers/facilitators trained on comprehensive sexuality education
  • # of women and girls (age) provided with access to sexual and reproductive health services, including modern methods of contraception
  • # of women and girls, men and boys, demonstrating positive attitudes towards ending SGBV
  • % of women who decided to use family planning, alone or jointly with their husbands/partners
MNCH-related indicators
  • # of health facilities equipped with maternal and newborn child health, or sexual and reproductive health equipment
  • %/total of health workers (male/female) trained and using their learned skills
  • %/total of mothers, and %/total of babies, who received postnatal care within two days of childbirth
  • %/total of women attended at least four times during pregnancy by any provider for reasons related to the pregnancy
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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