Global Health Impact Report 2024

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A word from CanWaCH

We have a well-worn mantra at CanWaCH: Get the right people, in the right place, at the right time. We see this as central to our role as conveners. But there is an unspoken truth at the heart of that mantra — It’s guided by a profound thirst for the right knowledge.

CanWaCH members and partners are at the forefront of transformative work in global health and rights. Their collective knowledge is vast, drawing from firsthand experience, innovative projects and research, and of course, data.

By harnessing the right data, we can leverage the work on the ground to drive change at every level. We can write a powerful narrative that demands attention. The Global Health Impact Report serves as a conduit for this narrative, highlighting the rigor and results of Canadian engagement on a global scale.

For most of us, raw data doesn’t go far enough. We need colour, context and nuanced analysis. That is what you’ll find in the pages of this report. It is not just a compilation of numbers, but an exploration of the stories they tell, the limitations they expose and the pathways they reveal.

Central to our endeavor is the Project Explorer, our open data platform that aggregates project data from our members and partners. This year contributors were offered a new way to add and update project data to the platform that allows teams to collaborate on their projects, thus streamlining the process and offering unprecedented insight into the accountability and impact that define Canadian global health efforts.

In this edition of the report, you’ll see an emphasis on climate data. It has become increasingly clear that to move the needle in global health, especially when it comes to women and children, we cannot ignore the effects of the climate crisis. To do so would be to dismiss the disproportionate consequences of climate change on the world’s most vulnerable.

Likewise, we cannot ignore the realities of the world we live in today. Converging humanitarian crises, global conflicts and growing instability have made the work of this sector more challenging and more critical than ever before. We hope that this report makes both urgency and impact abundantly clear.

We know that this work, and our knowledge mobilization efforts more broadly, are far from over. As CanWaCH continues to bring the right people together, in the right place, at the right time, we will be steadily building our knowledge base. This is not a responsibility we take lightly, but one that is rooted in the belief that by working, sharing and learning together, we can create a world where every woman and child can realize their right to thrive in full health.

In solidarity,

Julia Anderson
Chief Executive Officer
Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health (CanWaCH)

Julia Anderson portrait with CanWaCH logo and Canada logo


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