About the Data Exchange
Methodology Overview
Displaying information requires making choices about how content is selected, organized, labeled, and presented. These decisions have tremendous power to influence what, and who, is visible or invisible. These decisions can be influenced by many factors, including power dynamics, explicit or implicit biases, and individual or organizational objectives.
Below, you will find detailed methodological notes on how CanWaCH classifies and visualizes the data shared by users, as well as an outline of our guiding policies and procedures. CanWaCH endeavours to ensure that all our data-related tools and products are aligned with current best practice. As such, these guidelines are reviewed and improved continuously. We recognize that we have a responsibility to be transparent about the assumptions and decisions that we make with data. Users of the Data Exchange are also responsible for consulting these notes before using this data to inform their work.
Have a question related to our protocols, policies, or methodology? Want to share your feedback?
Email us at [email protected] or complete this survey to let us know how you have used the Project Explorer, and how we can make it stronger.
Project Explorer Methodology
Publish Date: September 2020
Updated: December 2024
Contact E-mail: [email protected]
Methodology Introduction
- About the Project Explorer (ProX)The ProX aims to capture and share the full spectrum of efforts in global health and gender equality with a link to Canada. Projects funded by any source (domestic or global) can be entered into the ProX.
- Feedback may be directed to [email protected] or by completing this survey in either English or French.
- Project Explorer Vision, Mission, and Objectives
- Vision: The ProX is an essential global health resource, which diverse groups of Canadian actors and their global partners contribute to and leverage, in order to inform actions and investments that are amplifying women, children, and youth health and rights worldwide.
- Mission: The ProX provides critical, accessible, and timely measurement, analysis, and reporting on the scale of Canadian investments and contributions in essential areas of global health and gender equality. Leveraging information and evidence generated by sector actors, the ProX connects users with data about what is happening around the world.We do this in order to cultivate and amplify thought leadership and improved professional practice. We believe that, through the provision of organized and robust quantitative and qualitative sources of information, we will improve the ability of users to identify potential gap areas and opportunities for improved impact.
- Objectives: The ProX’s aims are to: i) promote collaboration, ii) enhance coordination of efforts; and iii) mobilize information, in order to improve decision-making and inspire professional excellence in global health and development. This is accomplished through data-sharing, mapping, and analyses.
We do this by:
- Providing an organized, accessible, and robust platform for learning, by sharing data, resources, and tools which can be used to improve programming and decision-making.
- Powering a suite of analytics tools, including maps, visualizations, reports, guidance notes, and other resources to support data collection, management, and analysis.
- Connecting Canadian and global organizations in order to enhance collaboration and local ownership.
- Showcasing specific impact stories and case studies of global health and gender equality excellence to foster a culture of transparency and collective accountability.
Sample Data Field Card (available for each data field). Contact [email protected] for full data field cards\
Field Data Entry Instruction Data Collected Project budget Enter the total project budget in Canadian Dollars. If the project is being implemented in multiple countries, enter the total budget for all countries. - Total budget in Canadian dollars
Special note: - The ProX captures all sources of funding for a project, including in-kind contributions.
- For a GAC-funded projects, the ProX budget might not match the GAC Browser budget, due to the fact that the ProX includes all sources of funding for a project including in-kind contributions.
- In rare cases, Reporting Organisations have a yearly budget for their operations.
Data Usage: - The total budget is shown on the individual ProX project page.
- The ProX budget is used in animations on the ProX project page to calculate budget allocation per area of focus as well as budget amount per country of implementation (for multiple country projects).
- The ProX budget is used throughout the Analytics Portal in various visuals (funding per country and region, funding per year, areas of focus by funding).
Reference List of Data Fields
The majority of the data and information provided will be displayed on the project page. The remaining data fields will be available in the csv export.
Basic Information
These data fields include the core essential information on projects, including title, start and end dates, budget, and location.
- Project Title
The title should be the official title of the project, providing full words for acronyms and avoiding jargon where possible. Only one title per project is allowed.
- Project Timeline
The start and end dates indicate whether a project is ongoing or completed. Both dates are displayed in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD
- Start Date – this is the date of project implementation
- End Date – this is the date the project plans to end or ended.
- Activity Status
This usually indicates the current stage of the project activities
- Implementation – the project is currently being implemented.
- Completion – all project activities have been completed.
- Project Budget
This field represents the total value of the project budget in Canadian Dollars ($CAD). If the project is being implemented in multiple countries, the total budget for all countries should be entered.
- Project Countries/Regions
The country or countries in which the project is being implemented. All countries are selected along with the percentage of total budget dollars that is allocated to each country. If the project is being implemented in one country, 100% is entered. For a multiple country project, the total should add up to 100%.
Organizations & Partners
These data fields include information on who is responsible for project reporting, and the other partners involved in implementation or funding. The contributions of partners can be represented here as well.
- Reporting Organization
The Reporting Organization is responsible for inputting and updating the project data. There can only be one designated Reporting Organization per project. This organization is typically based in Canada, or receiving Canadian funding. This organization is typically the leading, implementing organization receiving and managing the bulk of the project funding but this can vary for projects conducted in consortium. The organization’s details to provide are as follows:
- Organization Name
- Registration Number (same as the Business number, e.g. CA-CRA_ACR- is used for Canadian business numbers; use the code for other countries in the same way. In constructing an organisation identifier, only the first nine digits should be used).
- Country of Registration (it should be the same as where the Business number is registered).
- Organization Type (Government of Canada; government (other countries); Other Public Sector; International NGO; National NGO; Regional NGO; Public Private Partnership; Multilateral; Foundation; Private Sector; Academic, Training and Research)
- Funders
All funders along with the percentage of the total budget contribution per funder is shown along with In-kind contributions if applicable. The total should add up to 100%.
- Participating Organizations All participating organizations / partners of all types involved in the delivery of the project can be entered. Similarly to the Reporting Organization field, the country of registration for the participating organization / partner can be specified. All government, local, and international partners involved in the project can be entered, including formal (ie: contracted) and informal partners.Organization details to provide are as follows:
- Organization Name
- Registration Number (same as the Business number, e.g. CA-CRA_ACR- is used for Canadian Business Numbers; use the code for other countries in the same way. In constructing an organisation identifier, only the first nine digits should be used.)
- Country of Registration (this should be the same as where the Business number is registered)
- Organization Type (Government of Canada;government (other countries); Other Public Sector; International NGO; National NGO; Regional NGO; Public Private Partnership; Multilateral, Foundation; Private Sector; Academic, Training and Research)
- Type of Partner (formal or informal)
- Description
This section provides an opportunity for the organization to include a detailed narrative description of the project. General information, as well as information on objectives, target groups, or activities are described.
- Outputs
At least 3-5 of the project outputs are entered. As many outputs as one would like to share can be included.
Example of Output Types are: training, workshop, assessment, research, report, clinics built or refurbished. In the Output Descriptor, specify additional information related to the output. The expected and/or achieved outputs can be entered.
- Number of Outputs
- Output Type
- Output Descriptors
- Status (achieved/expected)
- Outcomes/Results
The information summarized in this field represents highlights on the project’s accomplishments (expected/achieved).
- Areas of Focus
These are the specific topics the project intends to address. All areas that apply are selected along with the percentage of the total budget that is allocated to each area of focus. If the project covers only one area of focus, 100% is entered. For multiple areas of focus, the total should add up to 100%.
Health Related Areas of Focus 1 Adolescent Health 2 Health Promotion & Education 3 Health Systems, Training, & Infrastructure 4 HIV 5 Infectious & Communicable Diseases 6 Mental Health 7 Neglected Tropical Diseases 8 Newborn & Child Health 9 Non-Communicable Diseases 10 Nutrition 11 Primary Health Care 12 Reproductive Health & Rights incl. Maternal Health 13 Secondary/Tertiary Health Care 14 Sexual Health & Rights 15 Other Health (not listed; please specify) Other Areas
1 Disaster Risk Reduction & Early Recovery 2 Economic Development & Empowerment 3 Education 4 Environment & climate change 5 Financing for Development 6 Food Security & Agriculture 7 Gender Equality 8 Human Rights, Advocacy, & Public Engagement 9 Humanitarian Response 10 Law, Governance & Public Policy 11 Logistics 12 Protection 13 Sexual & Gender-Based Violence 14 Shelter & Construction 15 Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) 16 Other Sector (not listed; please specify) Population Information
These data fields include the information on the individuals and communities reached by the project, including specific numbers and general descriptors.
- Target Population Descriptors
This represents the direct population targeted by the project. The project target groups are selected according to age, gender and other descriptors. All groups that apply can be selected.
Age / Sex
1 Adult women 2 Adult men 3 Adolescent females 4 Adolescent males 5 Children, girls 6 Children, boys 7 Under-5 children 8 Newborns 9 Older adults, women 10 Older adults, men 11 Other(s) (please specify) Other descriptors
1 Urban 2 Rural 3 LGBTQ2I Communities 4 Refugees 5 Internally displaced persons (IDP) 6 Persons with disabilities 7 Indigenous peoples 8 Local minority groups (please specify) 9 Other(s) (please specify) - Population Reach
This represents the total population reached by this project, including the Direct population served, as well as the Indirect population affected if applicable.
Direct populations include individuals who are impacted as an immediate result of the project. Indirect populations include individuals or groups who may be impacted as a by-product of the project.
- Total Direct Population (achieved/expected)
- Total Indirect Population (achieved/expected)
Detailed age- and sex-disaggregated population data can be entered where available as well as any relevant descriptors.
- Number of people
- Sex
- Age Range (years):
- From Youngest
- To Oldest
- Direct or Indirect
- Population group descriptors
These data fields include information on the indicators used to major project activities.
- Indicators
From the list provided the indicators measured by the project are selected. If the project does not track any of these indicators, ‘None Selected’ can be chosen. The list of indicators provided include MNCH-related indicators, SRHR-related indicators as well as SDG indicators.
- Additional Project Indicators
Any additional project indicators identified as the most useful and feasible for the project can be included.
Other Data
These data fields include geo-coordinate information used to generate maps, as well as specific links, resources, and contact information related to the project.
- Locations
The geo-coordinates for the locations to be displayed on the map can be entered. If there are no known coordinates, the name of the location(s) can be provided. The project scope can be specified: National projects cover one country; regional projects cover one or more regions of a country; and local projects cover one or more sub-regions of a country or one or more specific locations.
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Country
- Project Scope
- Local
- Regional
- National
- None
- Name of location
- Links
Any links related to the project can be provided.
- Title
- Resources
Resources related to the project (in any language) can be uploaded. Examples of resource types can be: questionnaires or data collection forms, survey reports, training material, project briefs, datasets, sensitization material like posters for health centres and radio messages, etc.
- Contact Information
The contact information for the project can be entered. The information will be made public. Note: By providing the Contact Information details, you understand that the information will be made publicly available on the CanWaCH website and consent to sharing this information.
- Name
- Organization
Data Aggregation
Data and information from all projects is used in aggregate in various reports and fora to understand the scale of Canadian investments and programming in essential areas of development, humanitarian, human rights and gender equality work, and inform actions and investments.
User Portal and Guide
Project data can be added through the Project Explorer User Portal by following this step-by-step guide on how to add data and ways to view and manage project information. The portal allows users and their organizations to enter new projects as well as update existing data. It also allows users to collaborate on content, providing a way for you to manage your organization’s projects more efficiently between your teams. This guide contains all the information you need to use, and contribute to, the CanWaCH suite of data tools.
The project data included in the Project Explorer (ProX) has been provided voluntarily by contributors or sourced directly from organizations. As such, it likely does not reflect the entirety of Canadian work in global health and gender equality worldwide. Individual project information is not independently verified by CanWaCH.
The Project Explorer has been created for informative purposes only. Users are encouraged to conduct independent analysis using the available data, and to review sample size and other contextual information before drawing conclusions. Through this portal, CanWaCH does not intend to endorse, recommend, or comment on specific activities or investments.
The designations and maps used and displayed do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of CanWaCH concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Analytics Portal Methodology
Publish Date: December 2022
Data Source Extract: September 2022
Updated Version: December 2024
Contact E-mail: impact@canwach.ca
Methodology Introduction
CanWaCH Analytics Portal: The CanWaCH Analytics Portal is derived from the CanWaCH Project Explorer (ProX) database. The purpose of the Analytics Portal is to summarize, and to visualise in aggregate, the information provided in the CanWaCH ProX database. The CanWaCH Analytics Portal is open source, with all data source files available for download.
CanWaCH Project Explorer (ProX): The CanWaCH ProX aims to capture and share the full spectrum of efforts in global health and gender equality with a link to Canada. Projects funded by any source (domestic or global) can be entered into the ProX.
Feedback may be directed to [email protected] in either English or French.
Dashboard: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- “Projects” refers to the total number of unique current and completed projects available in the CanWaCH ProX as of September 2022.
- “Invested” refers to the total dollar amount invested globally for the total number of unique projects.
- Single-Country Projects: “Total Funding” is equal to the total project budget amount.
- Multi-Country Projects: Project budgets are allocated to each country based on the ‘budget percentage per country’ provided in the ProX.
- Currency Note: All dollar amounts are in Canadian Dollars (CAD).
- “People Reached Directly” refers to the total number of people directly reached through project activities
- “Organizations” refers to all the organizations involved in the delivery of project activities
Filter “Country”: The “Country” sort option filters all visuals to include all current and completed projects starting from 2010 for the selected Country.
- Country Note: The Country visuals only includes countries that have at least one current or completed project in the CanWaCH ProX.
Filter “Area of Focus”
Filter “Project Status” refers to the current stage of the project activities
- “Ongoing” refers to all projects that are labelled as implementation in the ProX for the selected project.
- “Completed” refers to all projects that are labelled as completion in the ProX for the selected project.
Filter “Source of Funding”: The “Canadian” sort option filters all visuals in the “Dashboard” by projects funded by the Government of Canada or any Canadian funding sources.
- Government of Canada Note: Government of Canada is equivalent to Global Affairs Canada (GAC) or any previous iteration which includes Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD).
The “Non-Canadian” sort option filters all the visuals in the dashboard by projects funded by non-Canadian funding sources.
Section 2 – Areas of Focus
- SRHR: A Comprehensive Approach – This chart provides an overview of the volume of unique projects per Area of Focus for the selected filter. The size of the circles relates to the proportion of funding invested per Areas of Focus. The total number of unique projects per Area of Focus is also included in the tooltip (the information that appears when hovering over the project bar).
- Investment Over the Years – Areas of Focus by Funding – This visual ranks the Areas of Focus by funding amount per year and overall for the selected country. The ranking includes all projects per country for each Area of Focus by year, and displays the total amount invested and total number of projects in the tooltip (the information that appears when hovering over the project bar).
The total amount investment (distribution amount) is distributed between all Area(s) of Focus per project. “Amount Invested” for an Area of Focus is the sum of all project budget amounts that are designated in the ProX for that Area of Focus.
“Number of Projects” displays the total project count for each “Area of Focus”. A project with multiple Areas of Focus will be counted under each applicable Area of Focus. The total project budget is allocated between Areas of Focus based on the percentage distribution provided in the ProX.
Project Note: A project is displayed at the start year of the project in the visuals.
Section 2 – Countries Supported
Analytical Portal Map
The Map depicts the countries with reported ProX projects. The tool tip (the information that appears when hovering over the countries) provides information on the number of projects and total funding per country.
- Country Level Analysis: In the Country visuals, a multi-country project is counted in each country where the project is being implemented (i.e. 1x per country). The total project budget is distributed between all countries for the project based on the budget percentage per country provided in the ProX.
Section 3 – Population
- Total Population Reach: The Total Population Reach displays the reported total direct and indirect population count for projects included per projects with available population data for the selected filter.
- Population Reach, by Target Population, Age/Sex: The target population visual displays the proportion of projects specifying the gender and age categories of the target population for the selected filter. Please note that the ProX allows for the inclusion of ‘Other’ as a Gender option (i.e. female, male, other); however, as of September 2022, no projects have included data in this category.
- Population Reach, by Target Population Groups: The target population descriptors visual displays the number of projects specifying the target population descriptors for the selected filter.
Section 4 – Organizations
- Lead Organizations – By Type: The Reporting Organizations by Type Chart illustrates the proportion of Reporting Organizations by type based on the selected filters.
- The Reporting Organization – Country displays the total number of organizations per selected filter by Canadian based or Non-Canadian based.
- The Reporting Organization – type displays the number of organizations per filter by category for all organization types.
- The Number of Organizations displays the number of organizations per selected filter.
- Lead Organizations – By Areas of Focus: The Reporting Organizations by Areas of Focus Chart illustrates the proportion of Areas of Focus per Reporting Organization based on the selected filters.
- The Area of Focus displays the Areas of Focus for a Reporting Organization based on selected filters
- The Number of Projects displays the number of projects per Areas of Focus for a Reporting Organization based on the selected filters.
- Strategic Partners: The Strategic Partners chart displays details of Top Partner Organizations including the Organization Name, the Organization Country, the Organization Type, and the Number of Projects the organization is a partner.
The Project Explorer collects robust data across 20 primary data fields. Data is collected on an ongoing basis. Numbers are accurate to the time of publication, and may change as projects are updated. Data is collected and gathered in English and/or French through a variety of outreach methods as well as online searches, as follows: Data Drives; targeted outreach to organizations/institutions via electronic communication throughout the year; online search of organization/institutions’ websites or published materials; and common data fields sourced from the Global Affairs Canada Project Browser. Submission of projects is voluntary and all data fields are optional, and as such, it likely does not reflect the entirety of Canadian work in global health and gender equality worldwide. Individual project information is not independently verified by CanWaCH.
The CanWaCH Analytics Portal has been created for informative purposes only. Users are encouraged to conduct independent analysis using the available data, and to review sample size and other contextual information before drawing conclusions. Through this portal, CanWaCH does not intend to endorse, recommend, or comment on specific activities or investments.
The designations and maps used and displayed do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of CanWaCH concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
CanWaCH adheres to global standards, policies, and best practices in the storage, management, and analysis of our data. Please contact [email protected] for a complete list.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who funds the projects featured in the Project Explorer?
The Project Explorer features projects funded by all sources, including but not limited to projects funded by the Government of Canada. The Project Explorer captures and shares the full spectrum of efforts in global health and gender equality with a link to Canadian actors or Canadian funding.
- Are the projects included in the Project Explorer only from CanWaCH members?
No. The Project Explorer features projects from organizations of all types including CanWaCH members, other Canadian organizations and non-Canadian actors. As long as there is a link to Canada, the project can be added to the Project Explorer!
Organisations of all types are included such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academic institutions, professional associations, foundations, private sector companies, and multilateral organizations.
- Are all projects in the Project Explorer currently active?
The Project Explorer features ongoing, as well as completed projects. Once projects are completed, the project page remains on the Project Explorer. On the Project Explorer map, completed (inactive) projects are shown as black dots whereas active projects are shown as blue dots.
- What type of projects are featured in the Project Explorer?
The Project Explorer features development as well as humanitarian projects. Any project, from any sector, with a Canadian link is eligible to be included in the Project Explorer.
- Is the Project Explorer open to be used by anyone?
Yes. All data in the Project Explorer can be downloaded and is openly available to all. Additional data to what is displayed on the Project Explorer web platform can be exported in a ready to use CSV file format.
- Is confidential data shared in Project Explorer?
All data fields are optional and organizations should only include the data they are comfortable sharing. Identifying information on individuals is not collected. In addition, all data submitted by organizations is carefully reviewed by CanWaCH prior to publication. The Project Explorer does not store additional project information other than what is shared publicly.
- Are organizations required to share data in the Project Explorer?
No. All Project Explorer data is contributed voluntarily by organizations and their partners, during any stage of the project lifecycle, including after completion. Organizations themselves decide what information is shared and when.
- If data contribution is voluntary, does this mean that the Project Explorer database is incomplete?
We recognize that the data contained in the Project Explorer provides a robust snapshot of development activities at various moments in time. For a variety of reasons, including but not limited to community protection and privacy, evolving activities and contexts, changes in funding, and the vast and diverse number of development actors operating globally, data sharing platforms are almost always somewhat incomplete. The objective of the Project Explorer is to provide comprehensive insight and information to guide decision-making and accountability efforts, with the most robust and useful data available, within these parameters.
- How do I add or update my data?
Whether submitting a new project or updating an existing project, data can be submitted at any time during the year in English and French.
There are two main ways to add data to the Project Explorer.
- The first option is to create your account online using the data entry portal found here and enter project details directly into the Project Explorer.
- The second option is to download the data form in Excel format found here, fill out all relevant fields and email the completed form to [email protected].
- How is the Project Explorer connected with IATI?
To ensure the data contained in the Project Explorer aligns with international standards for data, our data fields are aligned to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standards. While the Project Explorer generally follows the IATI standards, there are some differences in how CanWaCH collects and displays project data. Some of these notable differences include revised terminology, or variations in how certain fields are categorized and coded. The Project Explorer offers a few unique fields that have been adapted to be intuitive and applicable to organizations and Project Explorer users.