Board of Directors

The CanWaCH Board of Directors serves strictly in a governance capacity and is not directly engaged in day-to-day operational decisions. While we proudly count several CanWaCH member organizations among our board representation, transparency remains a top priority. Board members are held accountable to CanWaCH’s Conflict of Interest policy. Any real or perceived potential conflicts of interest are declared and reviewed at regular intervals.

Onome Ako

Chief Executive Director, Action Against Hunger, Canada

Board Chair

Lindsay Glassco

President and CEO, Plan International Canada


Mark Brender

National Director, Partners In Health Canada


Meg French

Executive Director, Stephen Lewis Foundation

Timothy Grant Evans

Inaugural Director and Associate Dean of the School of Population and Global Health, McGill University


Danny Glenwright

President & CEO, Save the Children Canada


Barbara Grantham 

President and CEO, CARE Canada


Nilima Gulrajani

Senior Research Fellow, ODI


Christine Hogan


Ky’okusinga Kirunga


Kelsey Lemon

Vice President, International Cooperation, Canadian Red Cross Society

David Morley


Gina Ogilvie

Co-Executive Director of the Institute of Global Health at BC Children’s and Women’s Hospital


Nadja Pollaert

Executive Director, Médecins du Monde Canada


Dr. Karlee Silver

Chief Executive Officer, Grand Challenges Canada

Our Staff

Julia Anderson

Chief Executive Officer

Julia passionately advocates for bold, innovative approaches to advance the health and rights of women and girls worldwide. She connects with stakeholders and decision makers at every level, forming new and unexpected partnerships, harnessing the strongest data, and sharing fresh ideas to co-create transformative solutions to global health issues.

Megan Aikens

Director, Strategic Partnerships & Gender Equality

Megan provides strategic direction, issues management and stakeholder engagement advice across all levels of government. She is responsible for cultivating collaborative partnerships with a variety of key stakeholders, ensuring alignment with organizational objectives and impactful outcomes.

Alli Bunting

Director, Programs and Operations

Alli is responsible for ensuring overall organizational effectiveness, aligning CanWaCH’s strategic plan with the organization’s program portfolio, providing oversight of all organizational funding relationships including narrative reporting, monitoring and evaluation, directing appropriate planning for human and financial resources, and fostering an organizational culture of excellence and kindness.

Charmaine Crockett

Director, Strategic Initiatives

Charmaine leads innovative pilots and strategic initiatives that address organizational objectives, explore new opportunities, and enhance collaboration with members, partners and funders. Working closely with the CEO, she coordinates efforts across portfolios to ensure organizational coherence, sound project management, and strong internal communication.

Jessica Ferne

Director, Global Health Impact

Jessica leads CanWaCH’s strategic efforts to mobilize evidence in order to drive evidence-driven decision-making, and foster a culture of data equity and transparency in the global health and rights sector. This includes designing and implementing research, learning, and programming, as well as participating in domestic and global fora and networks.

Claudia Gongora Boles

Director, Finance and Operations

Claudia is responsible to ensure the organizational effectiveness by providing leadership for the organization’s financial, human resource, internal controls, and reporting functions, as well as contributing to the development and implementation of organizational strategies, policies, practices, and procedures.

Erin Jex

(Acting) Director, Programs and Operations

As (Acting) Director, Programs and Operations, Erin is responsible for ensuring overall organizational effectiveness, including: providing oversight into all organizational processes and the delivery of program activities, narrative reporting, monitoring and evaluation, managing organizational funding relationships and fostering a positive organizational culture.

Amber St. Louis

Director, Communications

Amber provides strategic leadership for communications and public engagement initiatives. She is responsible for maintaining the voice of CanWaCH across platforms, including the delivery of written content and oversight of digital media activities.

Deborah Dahan

Knowledge Mobilization Officer

Deborah mobilizes the knowledge and expertise of our members and partners through the coordination of the CanWaCH Working Groups. She also facilitates learning and capacity-strengthening activities and trainings for our membership.

Tina LaRochelle

Corporate Services and Information Systems Officer

Tina supports communications activities and events, membership administration and the smooth operation of all information management and technology tools and services utilized by the CanWaCH team and its members.

Johanna Manga

Program Manager

As Program Manager, Johanna ensures the effectiveness of governance and operational processes at CanWaCH by overseeing program reporting, compliance, and supporting funder relations. Leveraging her global health expertise, she produces reports and documentation that deliver key insights while also coordinating CanWaCH events for impactful results. 

Hudson Biko Mwalagho

Senior Communications Officer

Biko is responsible for developing, amplifying and disseminating content on CanWaCH’s digital communication channels and supports the organization’s communications, public engagement and digital marketing activities.

Imaeyen Okon

Manager, Data Management and Digital Learning

Imaeyen is responsible for developing, coordinating and maintaining CanWaCH’s data and mapping initiatives and networks, as well as capacity building activities to support monitoring and evaluation processes for improved evidence-based programming and decision making.

Julianna Stonehouse

Manager, Strategic Partnerships

Julianna helps to advance CanWaCH’s ability to liaise, engage and partner with members and key stakeholders, while seeking new opportunities for strategic alignment. Julianna also supports government relations and governance activities.

Andrea Walsh

Executive Project Assistant

Andrea Walsh serves as the Executive Assistant to CanWaCH’s Chief Executive Officer and provides administrative and project support to CanWaCH staff. Andrea also assists with board governance logistics.

Lauren Trancoso

Digital Media Assistant

Lauren supports the organization’s digital media activities and online presence across the CanWaCH media channels. She assists the Senior Communications Officer for the delivery of digital communications efforts.

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