The Draft Dubai Declaration: Supporting the Implementation of the Cape Town Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Data was released on October 22, 2018, and discussions are underway at UN World Data Forum. The Declaration calls for the establishment of an innovative funding mechanism that can respond in a fast and efficient manner to the priorities of national data and statistical systems.
CanWaCH applauds this call for resources to support both the collection of data, as well as the capacity to utilize it effectively. Improved and ongoing collection, analysis, and utilization of relevant data in global health and gender equality are essential to making impact visible, and to amplify the voices of women, girls, youth, and their communities.
CanWaCH believes strongly in the power of partnership to effect significant change; this belief, together with our commitment to evidence-driven decision-making, inspired the design of our own Canadian Collaborative for Global Health, which brings together academic, civil society, and emerging leader partners to incubate innovative solutions, as well as capacity-building efforts, towards addressing global data challenges. CanWaCH’s Project Explorer aims to make timely, disaggregated data at the subnational, national, and global levels available and accessible to partners around the world.
We are energized and inspired by this important discussion and look forward to Canada’s continued leadership in using quality data to achieve our global goals.
Learn more about the Draft Dubai Declaration on the UN World Data Forum website.
October 23, 2018
Jessica Ferne, Director of Global Health Impact, CanWaCH