October 2017 Newsletter

Registration Open for the 2017 CanWaCH AGM and Interactive Lead-Up Calls!

Ready for something completely different? Working with the Resonance Centre for Social Evolution, we are breaking from more traditional formats at this year’s CanWaCH Annual General Meeting (AGM) to host an excitingly innovative event on Wednesday, November 1stat the Ottawa Marriott Hotel. We’ll embark on a participatory journey where attendees will have the chance to share stories with others, intimately hear different perspectives, understand the diversity in our movement, and design a path forward in partnership with other members. If you have an issue or topic you want raised, you will have that opportunity at our AGM!

We highly recommend that you register for the AGM as soon as possible and book a room as they are filling up quickly at the Marriott Hotel. We also encourage Members to invite youth who are part of your organization, as staff or as youth program participants, to attend our AGM.

Want to learn more about our unique AGM format? Join one of our Interactive Lead-Up Calls so we can share our intentions and plans for the AGM, answer your questions and hear what you would like to experience. To learn more about the energizing discussions, check out this graphic and a brief article capturing the lively interaction on October 2nd.

The next call will take place on October 18that1:00pm EDT and will feature special guest, Jennifer Foulds, Communications and Public Relations Director at Amref Health Africa in Canada. She will discuss CanWaCH members’ collective work in drafting a public engagement strategy. Please register here.

CanWaCH to Appear Before House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance

CanWaCH will appear before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance on Friday, October 20, 2017, in view of its study of the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2018 Budget. We submitted our recommendations to the House of Commons Finance Committee in August and we have now been invited to make a five-minute statement and participate in a round of questions. This appearance is an important opportunity to help ensure that women and children’s health around the world is a part of the pre-budget consultations. Please stay tuned to our social media channels and website for full updates on our appearance before the Committee.

New CanWaCH Membership Category

CanWaCH is pleased to announce the introduction of CanWaCH Associates! If you are a health professional, academic or other individual interested in the work that CanWaCH and its members are undertaking, and you would like to be more engaged, then we recommend you apply to be a CanWaCH Associate. CanWaCH Associates will be non-voting participants per the CanWaCH Membership Policy but can access the benefits of our great partnership. To apply to be an Associate, please fill out this form.

Denmark Symbolically Passes the Baton to Canada at Women Deliver UNGA Event

Last month at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), Denmark symbolically passed the baton to Canada to serve as host country for the next Women Deliver Conference – the world’s largest conference on gender equality and the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women – in Vancouver from June 3-6, 2019. Women Deliver is seeking suggestions on topics to be covered and speakers to be featured at the Conference. You can submit your ideas or learn more about Women Deliver 2019 at www.wd2019.org. You can also stay up to date on relevant events and activities by Canadian organizations in the lead up to the Conference on our Women Deliver 2019 page.

You’re Invited! Driving Gender Equality Through Nutrition: The SDGS and FIAP in Action Conference

The launch of the 2017 Global Nutrition Report in Canada on Tuesday, November 21st with be marked with a day of multi-sectoral collaboration and discussion on the interlinkages between nutrition and gender equality, the foundational nature of nutrition to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and achieving the vision of Canada’s new Feminist International Assistance Policy.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn from each other in identifying best practices towards improved nutrition and women’s empowerment, while coming together to demonstrate and further mobilize Canadian leadership on driving gender equality through nutrition. The Conference will be held at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, ON. For more information and to RSVP, click here.

The Partnership for Innovation’s Social Development Bureau and Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund Partners Forum – October 16 in Ottawa

The Partnership for Innovation’s Social Development Bureau is pleased to co-host with the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), a two-hour partners forum on the results, challenges and lessons learned in implementing Partnerships for Strengthening Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PSMNCH) projects, showcasing PWRDF’s experience in Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. The forum will be an opportunity for participants to engage in a productive conversation about challenges, lessons learned and opportunities on PSMNCH programing. The partners forum will take place at the Cadieux Auditorium, 125 Sussex Drive in Ottawa on Monday, October 16 from 1:00pm-3:00pm. The presentation will be in English. Please RSVP by October 12th by emailing [email protected].

Malnutrition is holding girls back – together we can change that!

Girls all around the world have big dreams. They dream of being doctors, athletes and of being president. But for too many, malnutrition will put these dreams out of reach. We need to change this reality. On the International Day of the Girl, Nutrition International launched the She’ll Grow Into It campaign to bring attention to the critical need for improving girl’s nutrition and the importance of making it a cornerstone of women and girl’s empowerment. Good nutrition is foundational to empowering girls to grow, learn, earn and lead. Learn more about the She’ll Grow Into It campaign and join the campaign to ensure girls everywhere can become everything they want to be.

Register for Upcoming ICN Webinar – What’s New in Results-Based Management: An Insider’s Perspective from Global Affairs Canada

The Inter-Council Network, in partnership with Global Affairs Canada and Aga Khan Foundation Canada, are hosting a webinar on Tuesday, October 17th from 12:00pm-1:30pm EDT that will cover new developments in RBM that are directly relevant to organizations wishing to apply for Global Affairs Canada funding, including how to navigate the application process and Global Affairs Canada expectations for Results-Based Management. The webinar will be in English with simultaneous French interpretation and the facilitator will be happy to receive questions in both languages. For more information and to register, click here.

ADRA Canada – EMBRACE Project Video Series

ADRA Canada has released the first video of its new series promoting their EMBRACE Project. The video is titled New Roles for Traditional Birth Attendants and is about their EMBRACE project in Cambodia, which helps Traditional Birth Attendants, who are no longer legally able to help babies be born, to make the transition from performing deliveries to becoming an important educator and influencer in her community.

Innovating for Maternal and Child Health Initiative – International Development Research Centre Updates

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) has launched a newsletter to share news, publications, and stories emerging from the Innovating for Maternal and Child Health in Africa (IMCHA) initiative. The first issue features an article on neighbourhood women in Senegal, known as godmothers, who bring vital maternal and child healthcare information to isolated women. Subscribe to the newsletter here.

IDRC has also unveiled a new video series, Expert Talks: Understanding civil registration and vital statistics systems, that features interviews with civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems experts from around the world explaining what CRVS systems are, why they matter, how we can enhance and improve them for better results, and what we can learn from other countries’ experiences.

SickKids Centre for Global Child Health 2018 Global Child Health Catalyst Grant

The SickKids Centre for Global Child Health (C-GCH) is now accepting applications for the 2018 Global Child Health Catalyst Grant, which is up to two awards of up to $25,000 CAD each. Submissions should be for new project ideas and can follow many forms: scientific, technical, social, management and implementation. While the Principal Applicant on the Catalyst Grant must be a staff member, fellow, or student at SickKids, everyone is encouraged to use this opportunity to leverage existing or new collaborations and partnerships within the SickKids community. Deadline for submission is 11:59pm on November 16, 2017. Applicants are encouraged to take a chance on new and innovative ideas that align with the Centre for Global Child Health strategy. More information can be found at www.sickkids.ca/gchcatalystgrant.

Call for Stories and Photos for World Pneumonia Day – November 12th

The World Pneumonia Day Coalition, led by the International Vaccine Access Centre at John Hopkins University has reached out to our membership with a call for stories and pictures of successful partnerships/initiatives that address pneumonia in the following priority countries: India; Nigeria; Pakistan; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Angola; Ethiopia; Indonesia; Chad; Afghanistan; Niger; China; Sudan; Bangladesh; Somalia, and United Republic of Tanzania. They are preparing different communications pieces in the lead up to World Pneumonia Day on November 12th and they would love to include the work of Canadian organizations. For more information, email [email protected].


Conference Youth Council Report: A Retrospective Report, by CanWaCH

Policy for Civil Society Partnerships for International Assistance, by Global Affairs Canada

Bringing Canadian Civil Society Together: Around the Sustainable Development Goals, by CCIC and Community Foundations of Canada

People and research: improved health systems for West Africans by West Africans, by International Development Research Centre

We must acknowledge adolescents as sexual beings, by Dr. Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli, WHO


October 13: International Day for Disaster Reduction
October 16: World Food Day
October 17: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
October 19-20: World Health Organization 8th Milestones of a Global Campaign for Violence Prevention Meeting, Ottawa
October 23-24: Alberta Council for Global Cooperation Together 2017: 1st Annual Multi-Stakeholder Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Symposium, Calgary
October 24: World Polio Day
October 25: SickKids 2017 Gairdner Global Health Symposium, Toronto
October 27-29: 11th World Congress on Adolescent Health: Investing in Adolescent Health, New Delhi
October 29-31: Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH) Canadian Conference on Global Health: Leaving No One Behind? Reflections for Actions in a Changing World, Ottawa
November 1: Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health (CanWaCH) Annual General Meeting, Ottawa
November 2: Centre for International Cooperation in Health and Development (CCISD) 30th Anniversary, Quebec City
November 2: Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto Japan Now Lecture Series Maternal and Child Health Handbook, Toronto
November 4: Nutrition International Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Event and 2017 Global Nutrition Report Launch, Milan, Italy
November 4-8: American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta, USA
November 7-9: SUN Movement Global Gathering, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
November 12: World Pneumonia Day
November 19: World Toilet Day
November 20: Universal Children’s Day
November 21: Driving Gender Equality Through Nutrition: The SDGS and FIAP in Action Conference (registration page coming soon!)
November 25: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
December 9-11: Global NCD Alliance Forum 2017, Sharjah, U.A.E.



October 16, 2017




