Contributions to this blog were made by Amref Health Africa in Canada and the Canadian Center for Women’s Empowerment.
Gender-based violence (GBV) is one of the most prevalent human rights issues in the world. Worldwide, an estimated one in three women will experience physical or sexual abuse in her lifetime. GBV is a multifaceted issue that undermines the health, dignity, security and autonomy of women and has a pervasive effect across political, social and economic sectors. Since 2020, this has only intensified as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, where social and economic repercussions left many isolated in homes with heightened tensions, without income from informal jobs, and lacking the support and protection of schools and community centres that were safe havens from abuse.
Programming on preventing GBV has enhanced the linkages and understanding of the use of violence as a deliberate strategy to exercise and exert power over women and maintain gendered structures, institutions and knowledge systems. As a result, it has become increasingly clear that GBV and women’s economic empowerment (WEE) are interlinked and dependent. Therefore, in order to create an environment where the health, rights and well-being of women can thrive, it is essential to develop policies, programs and resources that address the complexities that exist between economic empowerment and GBV.
GBV creates barriers to women’s economic opportunity, preventing them from realizing their full economic potential, because it limits their access to resources and circumstances that drive their economic growth. For example, when women lack control over crucial economic resources, like equitable land ownership or access to credit, they must depend on male partners or relatives which not only increases their vulnerability to GBV but also diminishes their decision-making capacity and control over their lives.
Further, WEE can contribute to decreasing GBV. In particular, according to Oxfam America, WEE can end and prevent GBV In the following ways:
WEE also increases women’s financial independence and knowledge about finances including how to manage and budget which makes it less likely for them to end up in economically abusive relationships.
Conversely, as women become more economically secure, GBV and DV may actually increase, especially when:
The answer to reducing GBV does not lie in simply improving conditions for women’s economic empowerment through policy or programming initiatives. The pervasive nature of GBV in homes, workplaces and public spaces, coupled with risks faced by women both in paid work — formal, informal and self-employed — and in their unpaid care roles and care work, requires a comprehensive approach. It is imperative to look beyond direct economic impacts, and address broader structural inequalities, including breaking down harmful gender social norms and power relations. Prioritizing shifting power dynamics will enable women to make direct decisions that advance their well-being and position in society.
The interplay between GBV and WEE has shifted from being solely focused on economic concerns — such as income generation, land, labour, product and financial markets — to recognizing the importance of women having power and control over resources necessary to meaningfully participate in decision-making that benefits them, their families and their communities.
Both formal and informal power relations have pervasive ways of hindering advancements for WEE. From visible, recognizable structures like the laws and rules that govern society to socialized norms (e.g., societal taboos around discussing money and finances), everyday cultural practices help to keep those suffering from economic abuse silent.
These power dynamics show up in other areas, as well. For example, GBV and unequal power relationships directly hamper women’s ability to enter, advance and remain in the job market and make contributions commensurate with their abilities. The 2021 research study of the Canadian Center for Women’s Empowerment (CCFWE) found that 86% of participating survivors from the Greater Ottawa region reported employment sabotage by their abuser. This correlates with a 2022 report by WomanAct that confirms 78% of racialized survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) confirmed their partner tried to sabotage their employment while at work, including interfering with their transportation to work or their sleep (both 37%), used physical or emotional abuse before work (36%) or harassed them with phone calls or text messages (42%). For survivors facing additional intersectional power imbalances in their employment, the workplace impacts of GBV can be even more profound.
Shifting the power relations that drive inequality and exclusion is a multidimensional process that requires changes at all levels — economic, political and social. Increasing women’s economic empowerment does not have a simple cause-and-effect relationship with GBV, which is why WEE projects need to go beyond providing economic resources and technical skills training and include a broader, intersectional approach that strengthens women’s agency, bargaining power and that addresses power dynamics at the workplace and within household decision making. Dismantling barriers through systems-level change, understanding the root causes of GBV and addressing the imbalances of power is paramount to increase women’s economic (and overall) empowerment.
For example, In Siaya County in Kenya, Amref collaborated with the County Government to finalize the Community Health Services Bill, which is currently undergoing public participation. Once the bill is fully signed, stipends for Community Health Workers (CHWs) will be covered by law as a sustainability measure. Community Health Workers, who are mostly unpaid volunteers, are the bridge between the community and the health facilities and provide vital health services to the communities they serve. Most CHWs are women and have no formal employment. The County is also finalizing the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) policy, which proposes payment of health insurance to indigents and other vulnerable community members to allow them to access health services free of charge.
There are a variety of factors that we can focus on to drive progress for women’s economic empowerment. In particular, there needs to be a concentrated focus on integrated programming that links WEE and GBV and emphasizes building agency, relationships (both community level and structural) and transforming power dynamics. Further, a focus on building relationships and creating transformative change for the following community groups will ensure the sustainability of programmatic efforts and that steps are taken towards long-term behavioural change. It’s particularly important to engage with:
GBV and WEE are complex, interconnected issues. Neglecting a holistic approach risks disempowering women and increasing vulnerability to GBV and discrimination. Conversely, a comprehensive approach promoting alternative norms, including women’s freedom of mobility and shared decision-making, creates an environment for women to thrive.
January 8, 2024