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The 24th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion (IUHPE 2022) will be held from May 15 to 19, 2022, in Montréal (Québec, Canada), and online, across the world. This major hybrid event of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education is co-organized by the School of Public Health of the Université de Montréal in collaboration with the INSPQ, the Montréal Regional Directorate of Public Health as part of the ‘CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréa
The theme for the 24th IUHPE World Conference is Promoting policies for health, well-being and equity. Such a focus is integral to the body of knowledge and action employed by the international health promotion community. IUHPE 2022 aims to lay a foundation for better and fairer systems responses to old, recurrent, and new issues in the promotion of global health and well-being.
Through both onsite and online events, this hybrid conference will provide a platform to frame opportunities to challenge conventional wisdom. IUHPE 2022 Scientific Committees outline three areas of debate for health promotion to grow:
Breaking news – consider the promise and opportunities of disruptions and tipping points, whether it is in pandemic health challenges (and particularly ‘syndemics’, such as the one between COVID19, non-communicable disease and inequitably affected populations), climate change and ecological disruption, geopolitical shifts, social unrest and technological promise.
Breaking free – from world-views that favour only market solutions, classical divides between North and South, toward emancipatory decolonising practices, policies and knowledge systems. Building on health promotion legacies in health equity and Indigenous health, both in IUHPE and beyond, we can see better futures.
Breaking through – disciplines, silos, boundaries and identities that are engrained in our practices and understandings. We seek innovation. From embracing ‘pracademics’ and ‘boundary spanners’ to inspiring activist entrepreneurs – our meeting is a platform for you.
April 2021: Abstract submission opens
May 2021: Online registration opens
Learn more about the programme, important dates and the latest news by visiting our website and by consulting our presentation flyer in English and French (in the News section).
For any questions, please contact the IUHPE 2022 Conference Secretariat – JPdL: [email protected]