Communications & Brand Consultancy


Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In Canada and around the world, we do whatever it takes –every day and in times of crisis – so children can fulfil their rights to a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. With over 100 years of expertise, we are the world’s first and leading independent children’s organization – transforming lives and the future we share. 

In alignment with our SCC 2022-27 strategic plan, we are committed to realizing our Theory of Change and transforming our methods towards decolonizing, anti-racism, power shifting, gender equality, and localization. 

A key part of Save the Children’s success relies on the ability to inform and engage the Canadian public, including individuals and corporate donors, about who we are and what we do.

In addition, our Communications team supports all functions across the organization with communications, media, Brand and PR needs. The organization is seeking greater clarity and shared understanding of the roles, responsibilities, and priorities of the Communications team to support the organization’s evolution. We also want to improve our processes for how we identify our needs and prioritize delivering on them. 

We need to strengthen our communications, brand, media, and PR capacities to elevate our market presence and consequently drive donations to fund our programs and advocacy initiatives, both locally and globally. 

This Terms of Reference (TOR) aims to provide details for a consultant or agency to support us in analyzing our communication and Brand capabilities, and their alignment with our strategic objectives.

We require a consultant to collaborate closely with relevant SCC stakeholders and key international peers and specialists. The aim is to advise on communications and brand capacity, structure, resourcing, and market potential. 


  1. Identify the organization’s internal and external communications and brand needs through 2027.
  2. Determine the brand opportunities and priority focus areas for optimal market growth potential aligned with the organization’s strategic priorities. 
  3. Review and provide recommendations on structure, capacity and resourcing for Brand, Media, PR and Communications functions. 
  4. The development of accountability and success measurement criteria, including the establishment of pathways for the review of materials. 

Resources, data, case studies, staff time and learnings will be made available to support this project.


  • Review organizational opportunities, strengths and challenges over the strategic period within the Canadian market. 
  • Analyze the alignment of brand, communications, media, and PR strategies with the organization’s needs and priorities. 
  • Map this against organizational (including the wider Save the Children international movement) expectations of the functions in order to inform strategic and resourcing choices.  

National Reconciliation Program (NRP) sub-brand preliminary assessment:

  • Analyze and provide recommendations on potential pathways for the development of an NRP sub-brand, inclusive of learnings from the creation of other sub-brands in the Save the Children movement and the Canadian market (i.e. Save the Children Australia, Children Believe, Humanity & Inclusion, among others). It should recognize the sensitivities around our existing name’s problematic implications, while balancing the trust and credibility associated with the Save the Children brand among our partners and donors.
  • More about the NRP program here.

Resourcing and Capacity Review

  • Assess SCC’s current brand and communications structure and resourcing plan. Provide recommendation on how we can best structure our team and external vendors for optimal impact, considering internal and external departmental coordination. 


The consultant should deliver:

  1. A comprehensive report summarizing the findings of the current state, including;  
    • Opportunities, strengths and challenges over the strategic period within the Canadian market
    • Alignment of brand, communications, media, and PR strategies with the organization’s needs and priorities. 
    • Mapping of the organization’s expectations of the functions (to inform strategic and resourcing choices). 
  1. A strategic recommendations report including organizational chart, resourcing, and high-level strategic and tactical recommendations.
  2. A market comparator analysis to inform the recommendations report. 
  3. A roadmap highlighting steps towards incorporating decolonization, anti-racism, power shifting, gender equality, and localization into communication strategies and accountabilities.
  4. A document outlining draft internal communications guidelines, standards, responsibilities, decision-making processes and gaps to address. 
  5. An initial assessment of potential pathways for the development of an NRP sub-brand. 

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated on:

  1. Understanding of the TOR, SCC 2022-27 strategy, SCC theory of change, and theory of transformation.
  2. Methodological approach to delivering the scope of work.
  3. Previous experience and track record of the consultant or firm in similar projects.
  4. Financial feasibility.

Budget Range

$50,000 – $100,000

How to Apply:

Proposal Requirements

Interested consultants are invited to submit:

1. A detailed technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this TOR and including the following:
A.Consultant’s profile or firm’s profile.

B. Proposed methodology.

C. Proposed timelines.

2. A financial proposal providing cost estimates and consultancy fees.

3. CV or LinkedIn profile of the consultant(s) who will undertake the consultancy.

4. A minimum of two references who can validate the quality of your work.

5. A minimum of two detailed descriptions of similar types of work including outcomes.

Apply here!


May 14, 2024


May 21, 2024






Save the Children

