External consultant content expert to support the development of a Reference and Training Manual on SGBV

World Renew is a Christian international development and humanitarian organization with a mission of transforming communities in ways that align with our core values of faith, stewardship, effectiveness, and people flourishing. In pursuit of the achievement of fundamental Human Rights for everyone, sustainable development goals, and the Beijing Platform for Action, Gender Equality is a core component of our holistic programming.

World Renew’s Gender policy further highlights GBV as one of the focus areas towards the achievement of Gender Equality. Patriarchy and cultural practices that limit the rights of women and girls to freely participate in their social, economic, and public spaces, slow and inefficient legal frameworks, gender-based violence, limited economic opportunities, and limited participation in public and political spaces remain constant challenges across all the countries World Renew works in, in Sub Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) in particular remains one of the most prevalent and dehumanizing forms of abuse across the World affecting at least 1 in 3 women and girls globally, with persons with intersecting vulnerabilities such as disabilities, older persons, young girls, people fleeing conflict and other humanitarian crisis and ethnic minorities being more vulnerable. The COVID -19 pandemic has exacerbated the severity and instances of Gender-based Violence, exposing it as a high priority area of intervention amongst development and Humanitarian actors, including faith-based organizations such as World Renew that work in collaboration with grassroots faith-based organizations and churches.

Further, in its prevention series, UNWOMEN identified faith-based organizations and traditional leaders as key allies/partners in addressing SGBV. Faith-based organizations however work in very unique contexts with the interplays of faith, religion, and cultural practices, further increasing the complexities of addressing SGBV.

Against this background, World Renew is seeking an external consultant content expert to support the development of a Reference and Training Manual on SGBV for World Renew global staff and its local partners. Candidates interested in submitting proposals should refer to the Terms of Reference (ToR) prior to submission. The RFP deadline is 10th October 2021.

How to Apply:

Proposals and budgets are due on 10th October 2021. Once the deadline has passed, the selection of the consultant will be done as per World Renew’s procurement guidelines via a committee of staff from World Renew. Visit this link to view the terms of reference. 


October 4, 2021


October 10, 2021




World Renew

