We invite you to join us in the “My Body, My Voice” Youth Consultation!
The Youth Coalition has recently been selected as a youth leader for the Generation Equality Forum Action Coalition on Bodily Autonomy and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. In order to bring as many young voices as possible to the table into this decision-making space, we are conducting a youth consultation to issue recommendations and provide feedback on the Action Coalition Blueprint.
For this purpose, the YCSRR is facilitating seven (7) focus groups, where we aim to collect the input of 15-20 youth from each group from all over the world on Comprehensive Sexuality Education; Access to Sexual Health Services (specially abortion & contraception), Bodily Autonomy, and Meaningful Youth Engagement.
The insights collected from these groups will be presented to the other co-leaders of the AC on Bodily Autonomy and SRHR to push for youth-centered actions, tactics and commitments. These spaces will center the experience of the following groups of young people:
If you have lived and living experience as part of these groups, we would love to have your voice as a part of this conversation! You can also share with trusted colleagues and allies in your networks.The focus groups will take place between the 7th of June and the 14th of June, 2021. Selected participants might be eligible for a small stipend to support their time commitment.
You can fill out the forms to register for each focus group here [Indigenous youth, 2SLGBTQIA+ youth, Adolescents and girls, Sex Workers, Youth with disabilities, Black & Afro-descendant identities]. All the information from these forms will be confidential & will be deleted after the event.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to [email protected].
We hope to hear from you during the Youth Consultation!
In solidarity,
The Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights
May 11, 2021