1. Summary and Background
The Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health (CanWaCH) is currently accepting proposals for development of a series of 10 public education videos (approximately 30 seconds in length; five (5) English and five (5) French) highlighting the work and impact of CanWaCH member organizations and partners in partnering with low and middle income countries to advance the health and rights of women, children and adolescents. Viewed as the first set in a video series, CanWaCH is also seeking input and recommendations on our draft public engagement strategy that focuses on public education and awareness as well as engaging young Canadians.
CanWaCH is comprised of approximately 100 Canadian non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academic institutions, health professional associations and individuals partnering to improve health outcomes for women and children in more than 1,000 communities worldwide.
2. Proposal Guidelines
2.1 Proposals will be accepted until 5:00 pm EST, Monday, February 28th, 2022. All proposals must be signed by an official agent or representative of the company submitting the proposal.
2.2 Proposals must specify that all work will be completed and delivered to CanWaCH no later than March 31, 2022 at 11:59 pm.
2.3 If the organization submitting a proposal must outsource or contract any work to meet the requirements contained herein, this must be clearly stated in the proposal. Additionally, all costs included in the proposals must be all-inclusive to include any outsourced or contracted work. Any proposals which call for outsourcing or contracting work must include a name and description of the organizations being contracted.
2.4 All costs must be itemized to include an explanation of all fees and costs.
2.5 Contract terms and conditions will be negotiated upon selection of the winning bidder for this RFP. All contractual terms and conditions will be subject to review by CanWaCH and will include scope, budget, schedule and other necessary items pertaining to the project.
3. Project Purpose, Description and Scope
3.1 Project Purpose
CanWaCH is renewing its approach to public engagement in response to the tremendous shifts that have taken place in digital spaces throughout the pandemic era. As social media channels and other digital sources have become crowded with information – and misinformation – Canadians have become inundated with content, increasingly digitally-weary and often cynical about the information they consume. It is amid this environment, that CanWaCH understands there is a need to earn trust, awareness and understanding among Canadian audiences by sharing concise, informative and compelling video content that places no onerous expectations on the viewer yet conveys the importance and impact of Canadian projects and programming that works to advance the health and rights of women, children and adolescents globally.
3.2 Project Description and Scope:
Specifically, CanWaCH is seeking a provider to deliver:
CanWaCH will work with the vendor to supply content where available to support the creation of the videos, including key data points, photos, videos and more.
4. Request for Proposal and Project Timelines
Request for Proposals:
4.1 All proposals in response to this RFP are due no later than 11:59 pm EST, February 28, 2022.
4.2 The selection decision for the winning bidder(s) and to bidders who were not selected will be made on or before 5:00 pm EST, March 2, 2022.
4.3 Upon notification, the contract negotiations with the winning bidder(s) will begin immediately. Contract negotiations will be completed on or before March 4, 2022.
Project Timeline:
4.4 This project will commence immediately upon signing of the contract with final delivery of all products and services outlined in 3.2 no later than March 31, 2022.
5. Budget
5.1 All proposals must include proposed costs to complete the tasks described in the project description and scope.
5.2 All costs and fees must be clearly described in each proposal.
5.3 Please note that CanWaCH will provide any translation requirements. Please do not include translation costs in your proposal.
6. Proposal Evaluation Criteria
6.1 CanWaCH will evaluate all proposals based on the following criteria. To ensure consideration for this Request for Proposals, your proposal should be complete and include all the following criteria:
6.2 Bidders should submit their proposal to the email address below by 11:59 pm EST, February 28, 2022:
Charmaine Crockett
Director, Stakeholder Engagement
Bidders should submit their proposal to the email address below by 11:59 pm EST, February 28, 2022:
Charmaine Crockett
Director, Stakeholder Engagement
February 18, 2022
February 28, 2022