We are now accepting applications for the upcoming January-November 2023 cohort of the Fellowship program. Launched in 2021, the Results Canada Education and Advocacy Fellowship Program is a 11-month hands-on advocacy and leadership training program for volunteers that will develop their skills in generating the political will to end extreme poverty. It is open to individuals aged 18 years and older who are based in Canada, and who want to go deeper in their learning and commitment to make meaningful impact.
Throughout the year, participants (fellows) meet virtually as a group to develop their leadership, communication and advocacy skills, deepen their understanding of global health and extreme poverty in low- and middle-income countries, take action in the form of writing to the media (letters to the editor and op-eds), voice opinions on social media, and engage with federal government decision makers to guide them towards decisions that give people living in poverty the health, education and opportunity they need to thrive.
Backed by the in-depth research and legislative expertise of Results Canada staff and partners, Results fellows will realize the incredible power they possess to use their voices.
Read up about all our volunteers to find out more what you can be a part of.
Consult more details below and apply to join the 2023 cohort right away!
September 26, 2022
October 31, 2022
Results Canada