RFP-Provision of Human Resource Consultant Services

Compensation and Benefit Review for the Canadian Association of Midwives (CAM) / Association canadienne des sages-femmes (ACSF)

The Canadian Association of Midwives/Association canadienne des sages-femmes (CAM/ACSF) invites you to submit a proposal in accordance with the requirements of the following solicitation. Proposals must be received by CAM/ACSF no later than the due date indicated in the table below:

  • Issue date: August 29, 2024
  • Deadline for submissions: September 20, 2024
  • Written questions and proposals should be submitted via email to:
    • Amal Bannout, Manager, Operations
    • Email: [email protected]
    • Subject: “HR Consultant”


The Canadian Association of Midwives/Association canadienne des sages-femmes (CAM/ACSF) is the national professional association representing midwives and the profession of midwifery in Canada. Our work is focused on ensuring more equitable access to high quality sexual, reproductive, and newborn midwifery services in Canada and globally. To achieve this, we work in partnership with the National Council of Indigenous Midwives (NCIM), midwifery associations, midwives, and relevant stakeholders. Our national and global programming is funded primarily through Global Affairs Canada, UNFPA, Health Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, other federal departments, private donors, and operational funding. NCIM’s mission is to promote excellence in reproductive health care for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities. Both CAM and NCIM are governed autonomously but share infrastructure and human resources. Both organizations are staffed by a passionate team of individuals dedicated to providing support for midwives and Indigenous midwives and the profession of midwifery across Canada and globally.

The Canadian Association of Midwives/Association canadienne des sages-femmes (CAM/ACSF) is issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for HR Consultant Services to conduct a comprehensive review of compensation and benefits. CAM/ACSF completed in 2021 a comprehensive study on its compensation strategy and job classification, followed by two Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) in 2023 and 2024.The purpose of this RFP is an update focusing on salary scales, market, and equity analysis.

Currently, the Canadian Association of Midwives/Association canadienne des sages-femmes (CAM/ACSF) has 8 active job categories and employs 35 staff members on a mix of permanent, contractual, full-time, and part-time bases.


The Canadian Association of Midwives/Association canadienne des sages-femmes (CAM/ACSF) is seeking an HR Consultant to help the organization meet the following HR objectives it has set out:

  1. Attract and retain qualified employees.
  2. Classify roles according to level of complexity, responsibility, knowledge, skills, abilities, and lived experience.
  3. Provide salaries commensurate with assigned duties.
  4. Outline advancement opportunities and provide recognizable compensation growth.
  5. Maintain a competitive position with other not-for-profit entities and employers.
  6. Ensure the ongoing maintenance and application of pay equity practices, with consideration of workforce availability, talent scarcity, specialized expertise, and the lived experiences relevant to specific roles.

The study shall evaluate the present salary structure as compared to the specific job market for comparable positions with both public and not-for-profit sector employers, health care workers and Indigenous-led organizations where applicable.

The consultant will be expected to deliver the services in accordance with the following:

  1. Consultant to review current compensation and benefit plan and understand current challenges in recruiting and retaining employees.
  2. Consultant to identify and recommend a consistent and competitive market position that CAM / ACSF can maintain.
  3. Consultant to recommend comparable labor markets, including both public and not-for-profit sector employers, health care workers and Indigenous-led organizations where applicable.
  4. Consultant to develop and conduct a comprehensive compensation and benefits survey.
  5. Consultant to recommend appropriate salary range for each position based on the classification plan, the compensation survey results, and the internal relationships and equality. Prepare a new salary structure based on the results of the survey and best practices.
  6. Consultant to review guidelines to assist CAM / ACSF staff by determining the starting pay for new employees based on knowledge and experience above the minimum requirements of the position, difficulty in filling the position, and the current market.
  7. Consultant to recommend implementation strategies including calculating the cost of implementing the plan.
  8. Consultant to identify any extreme current individual or group compensation inequities and provide a recommended corrective action plan and required process to remedy such situations.
  9. Consultant to provide implementation strategies related to other key compensation practices, based on market demands, including pay for performance, skill pay, special assignment pay, certification pay, bilingual pay, lived experience pay, promotional pay, and acting assignment pay.
  10. Consultant to recommend system documentation and computer formats/software to administer compensation plan.
  11. Consultant to provide recommendations for the ongoing internal administration and maintenance of the proposed compensation plan.
  12. Consultant to deliver a comprehensive training program for staff involved in Human Resources management to ensure that the staff can administer the new system.


  1. Consultant to meet with the Executive Director and the Manager, Operations to discuss the process and tasks to be performed in the study.
  2. Consultant to meet with Department Managers to explain study and process to be used.
  3. Consultant to provide frequent updates to the Executive Director.
  4. Consultant to present final recommendations to the Management team and to the Board of Directors.

This project is scheduled to start the week of October 21, 2024. Exact dates and schedule to be determined between the Consultant and Executive Director.


Bidders’ HR Consultant Services Proposal shall include the following:

  1. Narrative: Bidders are required to submit a comprehensive narrative and/or supporting materials detailing all benefits included in their HR Consultant Services Package. The submission should also outline their capabilities to effectively perform the scope of work.
  2. Cost Proposal: The cost proposal should provide a clear breakdown of what is included under the contract, along with any services that would incur additional costs.
  3. If applicable, please:
    • Specify any offered discounts or non-profit discounts.
    • Attach a detailed pricing chart.
  4. Language of Proposals: The technical and cost proposals may be in English or French. However, the consultant must be able to hold meetings, present information, and produce documents and reports in English.

Questions regarding the current RFP may be submitted in writing via e-mail no later than September 15, 2024, to Amal Bannout, Manager, Operations at: [email protected]

Instructions for Submission of Proposals:

  1. Proposals must be received no later than September 20, 2024, at 5:00 PM EST, by Amal Bannout, Manager, Operations, at [email protected]
  2. To be considered, please submit an electronic copy of your proposal (preferably in a non-editable format, such as in PDF format) with the subject line “HR Consultant.” The file name must bear the Bidder’s Name and “HR Consultant”.
  3. Please follow the format provided in Attachment A for the cover sheet.
  4. Please provide a minimum of two (2) client references from the past two years for activities like the current RFP’s Scope of Work. Include contact information for each reference. This document must be signed by the bidder.

Please follow the format provided in Attachment B.

Note: Any proposal received after the above date and time will not be considered.


CAM/ACSF intends to evaluate proposals in accordance with the following criteria and select the bidder whose proposal best fits the evaluation criteria.

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria. Additional sub-criteria that logically fit within a particular evaluation criterion may also be considered even if not specified below.

  1. Technical Evaluation: Content of the Proposal (Qualifications and Competencies, Professional Experience, Adequacy of Work Methodology, Timeline).
  2. Past Performance Evaluation: References.
  3. Financial Evaluation: Cost Proposal.


  • Factors are listed in order of importance.
  • At all times, CAM/ACSF will consider the best value for money.
  • CAM/ACSF is a non-profit organization. Bidders should provide all discounts available to CAM/ACSF based on its status as a non-profit organization.
  • CAM/ACSF may, during the evaluation process, also contact any Bidder to clarify any response or request revised or additional information.
  • Following the review of proposals, qualified Bidders may be invited to participate in an interview. If held, interviews will be conducted virtually.

The successful bidder will be awarded a contract for the provision of HR Consultant Services: Compensation and Benefit Review for staff of the Canadian Association of Midwives/Association canadienne des sages-femmes.

Issuance of this request for proposal does not constitute an award commitment on the part of CAM/ACSF nor does it commit CAM/ACSF to pay for costs incurred by the bidders for the preparation and submission of a proposal.

CAM/ACSF reserves the right to select a proposal in whole or in part, or not to select a proposal, in accordance with the best interests of CAM/ACSF.


  • Company Name:
  • Name of Person to be Contacted in Case of Questions Regarding this Proposal:
  • Telephone Number of Contact Person Named Above:
  • Email Address of Contact Person Named Above:
  • Name of Individual Authorized to Sign Contracts on Behalf of Company Named Above:
  • Title of Authorized Individual:
  • Attestation:
    • By signing below, I certify that the information provided is true and accurate, that it shall remain valid for a minimum of 90 days, and that I am authorized to respond to this solicitation on behalf of the Company named above. I further understand that CAM/ACSF retains the right to reject, in whole or in part, all bids for any reason.
  • Signature of Authorized Individual
  • Date

Complete the table below providing information for at least 2 past/current customers for whom your company provided services like the ones for which you are submitting a proposal. Past customers listed below must be available to speak with a CAM/ACSF staff member during the evaluation process.

  • Bidder’s Signature (Mandatory):
  • Past customer’s company name
  • Past / Current Customer Contact Person
  • Phone Number & Email Address of Contact Person
  • Preferred Language of Contact Person
  • Company Address
  • Description of Services Provided
  • Dates of Work Performed


September 5, 2024


September 20, 2024


Request for Proposals


Canadian Association of Midwives

