The UNDP-UNFPA-UNICEF-WHO-World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP) is the main instrument within the United Nations system for identifying research priorities on sexual and reproductive health and rights; for promoting, conducting, evaluating and coordinating related interdisciplinary research; for collaborating with countries to build national capacity to conduct research; and for promoting the use of research results in policy making and sexual and reproductive health programmes. HRP is administered through the World Health Organization’s Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (SRH). More information about HRP.
HRP is guided by a Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (STAG), which is the principal advisory body for HRP. Specifically, STAG:
Members of STAG participate in an individual capacity and not as representatives of their institution or country. STAG meets at least once a year, usually in Geneva in February. The working language of the meeting and documentation is English. No stipend is paid to members, however full travel costs are covered and an expense allowance is provided. In 2022 it is envisioned that the meeting will take place on-line. STAG members serve a three-year term, renewable once.
HRP thematic areas, 2022–2023
The following criteria will be used to assess applications:
Applications from women are particularly encouraged.
Members of other HRP committees, principal investigators of HRP studies, and HRP grantees are not eligible for STAG membership.
A short letter or e-mail of interest indicating the potential contribution of the nominee to STAG (maximum one page), plus a curriculum vitae, should be submitted by e-mail with the subject line: “STAG – Call for expression of interest” to [email protected]. Self-nominations would be welcomed. The deadline for applications is 31 October 2021.
October 8, 2021
October 31, 2021