ZMQ Global - Logo

ZMQ Global is a ‘Technology for Development’ non-profit social enterprise. As a pioneer in technology, ZMQ designs and implements technology-linked solutions to empower communities by providing timely information and connecting them with life-saving services. ZMQ works on multiple social issues converging together like healthcare, education and livelihood. ZMQ uses a system-changing approach by integrating communities as part of the solution, making an inclusive model, where the target audience is part of the solution. Areas of ZMQ works are:

  • mHealth: Maternal & Child Health, Immunization, SRHR (Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights), Family Planning, Mental Health; HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Polio, Malaria, COVID-19,;
  • mEducation: Entry level literacy tools for out of school children; Changing the rural education system;
  • Livelihood Generation: Women Entrepreneurship, Skills development for women;
  • Diversity and Inclusiveness: Racism & Discrimination, Gender Equality, Human Rights.
  • Climate Change: Awareness on Renewable Energy Resources for Rural Communities, Adopting Low-Carbon Solutions etc.

ZMQ’s strength is also using digital tools for SBCC (Social and Behaviour Change Communication). Some of the tools are Digital Story-Telling, mobile Games and IoT based Toys. These tools have a robust M&E system to track user performance which captures KAP – Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of the users. Areas where these tools have been successfully applied are like Public Health issues (SRHR, MCH, WASH and Immunization), Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases.  

ZMQ uses a Triple Impact Model for saving lives and improving lives of under-privileged communities of the world. The principal of the model is to generate enough quality data, build applications and scientifically test them so that they can be applied for human development. This model has 3 key components:

  • IoT4D (Internet of Things for Development): Embedding tools in disconnected communities to collect data and knowledge of the ground.
  • AI4D (Artificial Intelligence for Development: Designing, Building and Training models to deliver life-saving and life-improving outputs and tools for solution providers.
  • R4D (Research for Development): Rolling-out applications, scientifically measuring its impact and establishing evidence-based research for future development programs.

#401, 417 Rue Saint Pierre

Montreal, Quebec

H2Y 2M4


Hilmi Quraishi

CEO & Co-Founder

[email protected]

