Access to Water and Sanitation in Oyam and Amolatar Districts

Reporting Organization:Crossroads Christian Communications Inc.
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 499,813
Timeframe: January 12, 2011 - March 31, 2014
Status: Completion
Contact Information: Unspecified

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

Crossroads Christian Communications Inc.

Participating Organizations


Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

Uganda - $ 486,318.05 (97.30%)

Canada - $ 13,494.95 (2.70%)

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Areas of Focus

Health - Total Budget Allocation

Health Promotion & Education (15 %)

Other - Total Budget Allocation

WASH (82.3 %)

Economic Development & Empowerment (2.7 %)

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The goal of the project is to improve access to clean water in communities recently resettled by people who were internally displaced during armed conflict in northern Uganda. It also aims to make community members responsible for water management, to ensure that the supply of clean water is maintained. The project activities include: repairing and replacing broken water pumps and drilling new wells; constructing pit latrines; establishing and training water management committees in each community; and providing awareness sessions for community members on hygiene, health issues related to water, and environmental protection.

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Target Population

Gender and age: Adult women Adult men Adolescent females Adolescent males Children, girls Children, boys Under-5 children Newborns Older adults, women Older adults, men
Descriptors: Internally displaced people (IDP)
Total Direct Population: 53,686
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results


Achieved Results

Results achieved as of the end of the project (March 2014) include: 30 latrines constructed, 10 new wells drilled and 45 wells refurbished (with a target of 44 wells, this represents slightly more than 100% of the project target). For each well, a water users committee was put in place to ensure proper maintenance of the water point. 493 people received training on water-related health issues and good water and sanitation practices (exceeding the project target by 274%), and 193 people received training on the proper management of water points (exceeding the project target by 482%). Basic knowledge about water and sanitation, was traditionally transmitted from generation to generation, but has been lost due to decades of conflict and displacement in these regions. Therefore, people in the target communities participated in the water and sanitation trainings in much higher numbers than anticipated. Over 53,000 people now have access to clean water and sanitation facilities and are better able to manage and maintain these facilities. The burden on women and girls has lessened significantly, as the installation of wells in some villages shortened the walking distance for water collection from 3 kilometers to 500 meters. The incidence of water-borne diseases, such as dysentery and bilharzia, was reduced by at least 75% from 2010 to 2013, as reported by a sample of health centres in the project area. These results have contributed to improving the health and well-being of resettled people living in the Oyam and Amolatar districts of northern Uganda.


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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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