Reporting Organization: | African Development Bank Group |
Total Budget ($CAD): | $ 19,000,000 |
Timeframe: | March 28, 2012 - March 31, 2017 |
Status: | Completion |
Contact Information: | Unspecified |
African Development Bank Group
Sub-Saharan Africa - $ 16,746,600.00 (88.14%) | |
North Africa - $ 2,253,400.00 (11.86%) | |
WASH (55 %) | |
Food Security & Agriculture (30 %) | |
Law, Governance & Public Policy (10 %) | |
Environment & Climate Change (5 %) | |
The ultimate aim of the African Water Facility is to enhance the equitable and sustainable development and management of African water resources for poverty alleviation, socio-economic development, regional cooperation, the environment and resilience to water-related disasters and climate change. The primary purpose of the African Water Facility – Phase II project is to provide support for the preparation of ‘bankable’ water infrastructure projects in Africa. ‘Bankable’ projects are those which have gone through high-quality project preparation processes, which include support for feasibility and engineering studies, environmental impact assessments, public-private partnership financing plans, and legal analysis. This project also aims to strengthen trans-boundary water resource governance and management, strengthen evidence-based decision-making capabilities through water data management systems, and provide small-scale strategic water infrastructure investments in fragile and post-conflict states. In the longer term, this investment is designed to contribute to sustainable economic growth in Africa by helping to establish water infrastructure for increased hydropower generation, industrial usage, and irrigation. It is also designed to lead to improved institutional platforms for transboundary cooperation on water management issues, sustainable market-based policy and pricing arrangements, a healthier and more productive workforce, and increased private sector involvement in water infrastructure financing. These efforts help sustain progress towards meeting Africa’s water infrastructure financing needs.
Gender and age: | Unspecified |
Total Direct Population: | Unspecified |
Return to topResults achieved by the African Water Facility through the support of the Government of Canada and other international donors from 2006 to December 2015 (phase I and phase II) include: (1) 70% of all completed bankable preparation projects/programmes have successfully mobilised investment financing; (2) €922.5 million (European currency) in project finance directly attributable to AWF intervention were committed; (3) AWF has received both in-kind and cash co-financing contributions of approximately €52.18 million (European currency) from its project partners; (4) about 6.3 million people gained access to improved sanitation and about 5.6 million people were provided access to improved drinking water sources since 2006; (5) 11 countries have put in place a more enabling investment-conducive environment for the water sector through the preparation and implementation of Integrated Water Resource Management plans; and (6) 10 regions or transboundary basins have put in place a more effective Trans-boundary Water Resource Management environment, facilitating the preparation and financing of regional infrastructure investment projects. This project is part of Canada’s commitment to climate change action in developing countries. The AWF supports climate change projects that aim at building resilience to climate change and promoting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. As part of its climate change strategy, the AWF prioritizes projects that feature water harvesting, conservation, storage, recycling and re-use, and the use of renewable energy to power water stations and infrastructure. The objective of many of the climate resilient projects that receive AWF grants and technical assistance is to adapt to the effects of climate change. Typically this might include: (1) designing projects that tackle the current or predicted impacts of climate change; (2) supporting integrated water resources management projects to maximize the use of water resources; (3) supporting water knowledge and information for effective collection and dissemination of key water and hydro-meteorological information for planning and increased preparedness; (4) supporting flood protection to reduce the impact of changing water patterns in coastal regions, river basins and urban areas where sanitation and water routing and supply are being adversely affected by climate change; (5) supporting water storage projects to secure better access to water in areas at high risk of droughts for domestic use, drinking, agriculture and industry; (6) supporting transboundary water resources management to foster regional partnerships for improved water resources management and avoidance of potential water conflicts.