Aromo Sub-County Water and Sanitation Project

Reporting Organization:Ryan's Well Foundation
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 419,992
Timeframe: March 21, 2011 - July 31, 2013
Status: Completion
Contact Information: Unspecified

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

Ryan's Well Foundation

Participating Organizations


Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

Uganda - $ 398,992.40 (95.00%)

Canada - $ 20,999.60 (5.00%)

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Areas of Focus

Health - Total Budget Allocation

Health Promotion & Education (5 %)

Other - Total Budget Allocation

WASH (80 %)

Economic Development & Empowerment (5 %)

Environment & Climate Change (5 %)

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The project aims to improve health conditions in 28 rural communities of the Aromo Sub-County. It focuses on reducing water related diseases by increasing coverage and improving access to safe and potable water and sanitation for 16,600 inhabitants, of which 6,000 are children, youth, and teachers who attend schools. The project approach develops capacity of local organizations and local government authorities to incorporate training activities in health, hygiene, management and maintenance into water and sanitation infrastructure programs. Project activities include: (i) drilling shallow and deep wells, (ii) building of four-cubicle latrines and hand washing stations in 26 schools, (iii) establishing and training adult and youth committees for water and sanitation, (iv) training local trainers in health, hygiene and sanitation, and (v) training pump mechanics to support ongoing maintenance of the wells. Staff also facilitate the liaison between Canadian and Ugandan youth through Web-based communications to share hygiene and health knowledge and practices. The local partner is Divine Waters Uganda.

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Target Population

Gender and age: Adult women Adult men Adolescent females Adolescent males Children, girls Children, boys Under-5 children
Total Direct Population: 23,830
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results


Achieved Results

Results achieved as of the end of the project (July 2013), included: 28 new water points constructed providing safe water to an estimated population of 23,500 people in Aromo Sub-County, Lira District of northern Uganda; 28 Water Source and Sanitation Users Committees (WSSC) trained; 30 Community Health trainers trained on health and hygiene; 30 latrine stances in blocks of 5 latrines per school constructed in six neediest Schools; Many of these schools have started health clubs that clean and monitor latrine usage and maintenance. They also encourage students to practice better hygiene. Girls and handicapped students needs are appropriately addressed in latrine design. Inclusion of a bathing facility and the production of sanitary pads have highly increase girls attendance to school. Thanks to a School Mentoring program, the girls in the beneficiary-schools enhanced their education performance and life skills. These girls now teach their mothers how to make pads and get involved in revenue generation activities. In addition, 6 rainwater collection jars with 2,500 litre capacity utilizing the roofs of school latrines as a catchment area for rainwater were constructed. The rainwater harvesting systems serve as a hand washing station and provide washing water for the girls washing rooms which encourage improved hygiene practices. At Akore Primary School, at least 300 girls bath every day which shows an increased awareness of the importance of proper hygiene and appreciation of the facilities made available. Unplanned activities have also contributed to the success of the project. For example, the project introduced Reusable Menstrual pads in three schools of Aromo in Otara, Akore and Apua schools. As a result, the female students are learning effective ways to manage menstrual hygiene and feel confident about attending school throughout their menstrual cycle when they previously would have stayed at home. Another unanticipated outcome of this program has been the pilot Community-Led Total Sanitation initiative in Wigweng Village of Aromo Sub-County. This project brought about additional engagement of residents to improve health, hygiene and sanitation. It also developed micro- finance mechanism whereby user fees are lent out to community members at an interest. The loan process seems to encourage users to pay their fees as they can also observe the social and economic development that is taking place beyond the well. Finally, 12 hand pump mechanics were trained and equipped with tool kits and bicycles to work towards quality repair and maintenance of water points.


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