Reporting Organization: | BC Women's Hospital and Health Centre |
Total Budget ($CAD): | $ 1,753,796 |
Timeframe: | September 18, 2012 - December 21, 2015 |
Status: | Completion |
Contact Information: |
Helen Scott [email protected] |
BC Women's Hospital and Health Centre
Canada - $ 1,753,796.00 (100.00%) | |
Adolescent Health (20 %) | |
Newborn & Child Health (20 %) | |
Reproductive Health & Rights incl. Maternal Health (20 %) | |
Sexual Health & Rights (20 %) | |
Human Rights, Advocacy & Public Engagement (20 %) | |
This project helps to accelerate the efforts of Canadian organizations to improve maternal, newborn and child health in developing countries. The Canadian Network for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, facilitates collaboration and coordination among more than 60 partner organizations. The project aims to increase the effectiveness of the partner organizations’ contribution to maternal, newborn and child health by promoting knowledge sharing and identifying strategies to enhance collaboration, joint reporting processes, and effective delivery of maternal, newborn and child health programs and projects. Key activities of the Network include: (1) carrying out regular reviews of scientific evidence on maternal, newborn and child health and sharing that evidence with partner organizations; (2) providing peer support to partner organizations to adapt and implement internationally recognized guidelines for improving maternal, newborn, and child health; (3) identifying potential collaboration opportunities and sharing innovative practices among partner organizations; (4) developing, adapting, and promoting common measures and methods for tracking progress toward improving maternal, newborn and child health; and (5) providing partner organizations and other Canadian stakeholders with the most relevant and up-to-date information on maternal, newborn and child health and on current initiatives in developing countries.
Gender and age: | Adult women Adult men Adolescent females Adolescent males Children, girls Children, boys Under-5 children Newborns Older adults, women Older adults, men |
Descriptors: | Urban Rural LGBTQ2I Communities Refugees Internally displaced people (IDP) Persons with disabilities |
Total Direct Population: | Unspecified |
Policy papers developped | |
Public Engagement activities implemented | |
Technical working groups created | |
1 | Knowledge centre created |
1 | Symposium organised |
The expected intermediate outcomes for this project include: (1) enhanced knowledge sharing on best practices for maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) among Network partners; (2) increased alignment of Network partners with global MNCH commitments, including through common reporting; and (3) improved interaction with relevant Canadian actors interested in maternal, newborn and child health.
Results achieved as of the end of the project include: (1) the Network membership grew from an initial 51 Partners to over 100 Partners operating in more than 1000 communities around the world; (2) successful creation and ongoing operation of technical working groups overseeing the Network’s main activities in knowledge exchange, measuring results, and stakeholder engagement; (3) creation of a web-site and online Knowledge Centre through which Can-MNCH members can share information about their work and access a repository of resources for MNCH programming; (4) a symposium held to examine the successes, challenges and future direction of Canadian efforts in improving maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) programming; (5) several policy papers developed on how Canada can contribute to progress in MNCH beyond the targets and deadlines set through the Millennium Development Goals; (6) public engagement and raising awareness through participation in public events and the use of social media to highlight Canadian contributions to MNCH around the globe.