Community-Based Nutritional Health in Southern Mali – III

Reporting Organization:WFP - World Food Programme
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 15,000,000
Timeframe: November 6, 2012 - March 31, 2017
Status: Completion
Contact Information: Unspecified

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

WFP - World Food Programme

Participating Organizations

Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

Mali - $ 15,000,000.00 (100.00%)

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Areas of Focus

Health - Total Budget Allocation

Nutrition (90 %)

Primary Health Care (10 %)

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The Community-Based Nutritional Health project aims to reduce infant mortality in the Kayes, Koulikoro, Ségou, Sikasso, and Bamako regions, by improving the nutritional status of children under the age of five and of pregnant and nursing women and reducing the overall malnutrition rate. The project is designed to improve the ability of community and healthcare stakeholders to prevent, detect, and treat malnutrition, as well as to plan, manage, monitor and evaluate nutritional programs. The project also helps with diagnosing malnutrition at an early stage in children under the age of two, handling cases of moderate acute malnutrition that are detected among pregnant and nursing women and children aged 6-59 months, and increasing knowledge of good health and nutritional practices among women and the heads of household. Project activities include: procurement and distribution of food products (e.g. enriched flour, vegetable oil, millet and beans); treatment of moderate acute malnutrition; enhancing the ability of technical health care stakeholders to support child survival management programs at community health centres. This contribution is one part of the Community-Based Nutritional Health project, which has a total budget of $25 million. This contribution is part of Canada’s maternal, newborn and child health commitment.

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Target Population

Gender and age: Adult women Under-5 children Newborns
Descriptors: Urban Rural
Total Direct Population: Unspecified
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results

The expected intermediate outcomes for this project include : (1) significantly reduced malnutrition in children aged 6 to 59 month in the regions of Kayes, Koulikoro, Segou, Sikasso and the district of Bamako; and (2) reduced malnutrition in pregnant and nursing women in the regions of Kayes, Koulikoro, Segou, Sikasso and the district of Bamako.

Achieved Results

Results achieved at the end of the project include: (1) the rate of moderate acute malnutrition among children aged 6 to 59 months fell from 10.1% in 2011 to 7.5% in 2016 in Kayes and from 12% in 2011 to 11% in 2016 in Ségou; (2) 3,988 members of women’s groups were trained out of an expected 3,055, for an 130% success rate. This training has made it possible to increase the number of children screened and, where malnourished, referred to health centres for better care; (3) 1,312 village assemblies were held out of a planned 1,113, for a 117% success rate. The village assemblies were able to help communities better understand nutrition issues; (4) 9,595 communications campaigns and educational talks were conducted out of a planned 10,144, for a 95% success rate. Communications made it possible to observe changes of behaviour among women and their children with respect to their own feeding, hygiene and attendance at health centres; (5) 2,165 nutritional demonstration sessions were conducted out of a planned 2,414, for a 90% success rate; and (6) the service attendance rate for the monitoring of healthy children rose from 3% from the start of the project to 70% at the end of the project, greatly exceeding the 15% target thanks to the offer of a full bundle of services and the implementation of a continuum of care from pregnancy to birth and child monitoring to the age of two years.


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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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