This project contributes to the construction of a new 200-bed provincial hospital in Gonaïves. It is one of three parts of a $30-million initiative. The Gonaïves hospital initiative aims to improve access to and the quality of specialized health services for children, women, and men in Artibonite Department. It also aims to improve the health system in Haiti and to establish a replicable model for provincial-level hospitals in Haiti. The initiative includes the design, construction, and equipping of the new hospital. It also includes initial institutional support such as training in hospital management, hospital equipment usage, and maintenance, as well as specialized training in maternal, neonatal, and child health issues. The project is financially divided for administrative reasons. The sub-project I includes the majority of funds reserved for the design, construction and supervision; sub-project II includes $10 million allocated from Canada’s Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health priority; and sub-project III represents funds set aside for monitoring and evaluation of the project. This sub-project represents funds set aside for monitoring of the Construction of the Artibonite Provincial Hospital in Gonaives project. For administrative reasons, sometimes the funds identified for this purpose are included in the main project budget and sometimes, as in this case, they are assigned a separate project number.