Enabling Neighbourhood Revival

Reporting Organization:Habitat for Humanity Canada
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 1,282,388
Timeframe: April 26, 2011 - August 31, 2012
Status: Completion
Contact Information: Unspecified

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

Habitat for Humanity Canada

Participating Organizations


Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

Haiti - $ 1,282,388.00 (100.00%)

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Areas of Focus

Health - Total Budget Allocation

Primary Health Care (21.8 %)

Other - Total Budget Allocation

Humanitarian Response (53.5 %)

Education (14.5 %)

Disaster Risk Reduction & Early Recovery (10.2 %)

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Habitat for Humanity Canada and Rayjon Share Care of Sarnia joined their respective expertise and experience in shelter, healthcare and community development to support effectively the structural and social regeneration of Simon Pele, a low-income, high density area of Port-au-Prince that was greatly affected by the 2010 earthquake. This project aims to repair and retrofit close to 700 homes that were damaged during the earthquake and provide households with sanitation and basic infrastructure. The project also aims to strengthen community capacity to deal with neighbourhood, environmental and health shocks and stresses. This is being accomplished through the provision of training, the creation of job opportunities and the delivery of healthcare services.

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Target Population

Gender and age: Adult women Adult men Adolescent females Adolescent males Children, girls Children, boys Under-5 children Newborns Older adults, women Older adults, men
Total Direct Population: 23,000
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results


Achieved Results

Results achieved by the end of the project include: 4,597 families (23,000 people) assisted through this project; 1,500 individuals trained in construction; 175 homes retrofitted; 107 latrines repaired and rebuilt; 277 participants (including 5 women) trained in technical construction best practices; 50 sets of construction tool kits distributed; a team of 50 masons certified as specialists in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and technical retrofit construction methods to provide consulting services to private sector contractors; 123 individuals (81% female) trained in basic home maintenance; a group of 35 DRR trainees certified through the local civic protection system and the Mayor’s office as a disaster emergency management team; the entrance to the zone paved; the canal cleared and drainage repaired to reduce flooding and prevent disease; a health care committee established; 3,716 children and adults immunized against various diseases; 4,970 hygiene kits distributed to households and eight schools; 4,839 medical records developed and distributed to community patients; a disaster response/evaluation plan developed and 5,409 emergency kits distributed;18,546 community members participated in training and education campaigns on hygiene and sanitation in schools/homes and health care service provision from mobile clinics.


  • None Selected
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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