The project aims to improve nutrition and food security of targeted beneficiaries. It is structured around three inter-linked pillars addressing the full value chain of locally available nutritious staple crops, from promoting their production among smallholder farmers (Pillar 1), to promoting their processing through industrial and community level processors (Pillar 2), and finally to promoting the increased consumption of these processed nutritious foods among the target population (Pillar 3). .
1) Improved local production of quality, safe, and market-integrated nutritious food staples by small-holder farmers, farmer organizations and out-growers. 2) Enhanced local processing for complementary nutritious foods (e.g. super-cereals) by industrial and community-level processors. 3) Increased consumption of nutrition staples, complementary foods and fortified food by the general population, particularly women and children. 4) Enhanced food safety, quality and respect for standards among all stakeholders.