Reporting Organization: | World Vision Canada |
Total Budget ($CAD): | $ 47,600,000 |
Timeframe: | March 8, 2016 - September 30, 2020 |
Status: | Implementation |
Contact Information: |
Asrat Dibaba [email protected] |
Tanzania, United Republic of - $ 10,948,000.00 (23.00%) | |
Kenya - $ 9,520,000.00 (20.00%) | |
Bangladesh - $ 9,044,000.00 (19.00%) | |
Myanmar - $ 9,044,000.00 (19.00%) | |
Pakistan - $ 9,044,000.00 (19.00%) | |
Nutrition (65 %) | |
Reproductive Health & Rights incl. Maternal Health (20 %) | |
Newborn & Child Health (15 %) | |
Across the five countries, World Vision is working to ensure mothers and their children get proper nutrition in the first 1000 days of their lives, from conception to their second birthday. Although these five countries contain just 6.8 per cent of the world’s population, they are home to 13 per cent of the world’s children under age 5 who suffer from stunting, caused by lack of nutrition (State of the World’s Children (SOWC) 2014).
The overall goal of this program is to reduce deaths of mothers and children in the targeted regions of the five countries. Most deaths in the critical first 1,000 days could be prevented through relatively simple and cost effective solutions like regular prenatal check-ups, clean birthing kits, exclusive breastfeeding, monitoring baby’s growth, and immunization. ENRICH addresses stunting, wasting and anemia in its programming.
Gender and age: | Adult women Adult men Adolescent females Under-5 children |
Descriptors: | Rural Persons with disabilities Local minority groups Bangladesh: the Santals, the Orao and the Barmon; Kenya: Sengwer, Kisii and Kikuyu tribes; Myanmar: "Rakhine", "Muslim" and "Chinese"; Pakistan: Christians and Hindus; Tanzania: none |
Total Direct Population: | 1,647,276 |
Total Indirect Population: | 2,082,372 |
570 | Women and female youth trained, supported and mentored |
960 | Providers trained |
98029 | Caregivers attending workshops |
Intermediate Outcomes:
1100 Improved delivery of gender-responsive essential health (basic nutrition) and SRHR services for mothers, pregnant women, women of child-bearing age, newborns and children under 2
1200 Increased production, consumption and utilization of nutritious foods and micronutrient supplements by mothers, pregnant women, women of child-bearing age, newborns and children under 2
1300 Strengthened gender-responsive governance, policy and public engagement of MNCH in Canada and target countries
Immediate Outcomes
1110 Increased access to gender-sensitive facility-based basic nutrition and SRHR services for women, girls and boys
1120 Improved community-based capacity to prevent, monitor and manage malnutrition and SRHR issues with a gender lens
1130 Strengthened capacity of existing health systems to effectively integrate basic health and nutrition service delivery with a gender lens
1210 Improved enabling environment for families to meet nutritional needs during first 1000 days
1220 Improved knowledge and skills of families to meet nutritional needs during first 1000 days
1230 Increased availability of micronutrient supplements, diversified nutrient-dense foods including biofortified crops for women, girls, boys and men
1310 Strengthened capacity of local officials and community leaders to influence national and sub-national nutrition policy
1320 Increased community capacity to publicly engage on nutrition governance, gender and policy issues
1330 Improved knowledge and ability of Canadians to engage in international MNCH and nutrition issues
As of June 2018, ENRICH has achieved the following results:
– 651,037 pregnant or lactating women and children under 2 have been reached with various MNCH interventions
– 1,363 health facility staff and community health workers trained to conduct outreach and referrals to health facilities
– 1,443 Citizen Voice and Action (CVA) group members and 652 community leaders have been trained in advocacy and engagement regarding gender-responsive nutrition services and health policies
– 255 women and female youth educated on monitoring health and services/policies
– 790 men and boys engaged in programs that enhance their understanding of maternal and reproductive health, improving child caregiving abilities while strengthening the equitable division of domestic and caregiving roles in households.
– 167,625 farmers trained in production of biofortified crops /agroecologically appropriate nutrient dense fruits and vegetables
– 6,660,289kg of biofortified crops produced
Project Outputs to date:
• Health care providers trained: 1,019
• Family members reached through household visits by health personnel on key health and nutrition practices: 206,302
• Peer Network members (men, women, and adolescents) trained on maternal, newborn and child health, nutrition and sexual and reproductive health and rights: 2,947.