Ergonomics for Health and Sustainable Development

Reporting Organization:Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM)
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 236,847
Timeframe: February 15, 2010 - November 30, 2013
Status: Completion
Contact Information: Unspecified

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM)

Participating Organizations


Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

Chile - $ 236,847.00 (100.00%)

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Areas of Focus

Health - Total Budget Allocation

Health Promotion & Education (20 %)

Other - Total Budget Allocation

Environment & Climate Change (20 %)

Law, Governance & Public Policy (20 %)

Food Security & Agriculture (10 %)

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This project aims to implement a sustainable training program in ergonomics to improve male and female workers’ health and increase the safety of Chilean women’s working conditions. This project includes the training of two students in a professional Master’s program in ergonomics at UQAM, allowing them to perform ergonomic interventions and teach ergonomics in Chile. As part of this project, 14 inspectors from the Ministries of Health and Labour and 14 union and community representatives are trained in ergonomics and gender. Activities also include an international seminar which brings together experts to share knowledge and good practices for improving workplace health interventions in Chile, while making them more gender-sensitive.

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Target Population

Gender and age: Adult women Adult men
Total Direct Population: 30
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results


Achieved Results



  • None Selected
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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