Family Farms for the Future – Scale up of Homestead Food Production for Improved Household Food Security and Nutrition in Cambodia

Reporting Organization:Helen Keller International (HKI)
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 3,999,467
Timeframe: March 3, 2015 - June 30, 2018
Status: Completion
Contact Information: Hou Kroeun
[email protected]

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

Helen Keller International (HKI)

Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

Cambodia - $ 3,999,467.00 (100.00%)

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Areas of Focus

Health - Total Budget Allocation

Health Promotion & Education (16.66 %)

Nutrition (4.17 %)

Other - Total Budget Allocation

WASH (16.7 %)

Economic Development & Empowerment (16.66 %)

Gender Equality (16.66 %)

Food Security & Agriculture (12.5 %)

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Target Population

Gender and age: Adult women Adult men Adolescent females Adolescent males Under-5 children Newborns Older adults, women Older adults, men
Descriptors: Urban Rural
Total Direct Population: 6,812
Total Indirect Population: 18,488
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Behavioural Change Communication (BCC) and training materials
Nutrition bulletins
Policy brief
Workshops, forums and meetings
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results

FF4F has helped more than 4500 households develop or improve a combination of vegetable gardens, poultry farms, and fishponds. The percentage of households with cultivated gardens increased form 61% at baseline to 96% by end-line and the vast majority have adopted improved gardening practices, including water and soil conservation, and appropriate fertilizer use. Over 80% of households with fishponds constructed their ponds in accordance to technical guidelines. To date, FF4F farms have contributed an estimated 28K kg of fish, 260K poultry eggs and 6M kg of fruit and vegetables to the local food supply. FF4F has also promoted 15 types of vegetables to farmers, thereby increasing crop diversity.

FF4F has increased the gross incomes of participating households by an average of $285USD/year, providing a 10-year NMB of $477USD per household when compared to existing homestead production methods in place (base case).

FF4F supported 12 entrepreneurial farmers in creating eight fish hatcheries and four nursing ponds that provided fingerlings to farmers and communities in two provinces.

Ultimately by the end of the project, 72% of households were considered ‘food secure’, and the mean HFIAS score decreased by 2.8 from baseline to end-line. Further training on WASH has increased the number of households using an improved water source and sanitation facilities by 14%, and increased uptake of hand-washing with soap by 11%. Through Essential Nutrition Actions (ENA) training, more women were able to correctly identify food sources rich in iron (90% overall by end-line) and vitamin A (62% overall by end-line), enabling them to make better food choices for themselves and their families.

On women’s empowerment, the end-line showed a 10% increase in women’s decision-making ability over food crop farming; while qualitative data monitoring demonstrated an increase in husbands’ willingness to support women with domestic tasks and an improvement in spousal communication around decision-making.

FF4F has contributed its core EHFP (Enhanced Homestead Food Production) innovation which includes three models (a mix of gardens, fish ponds, and poultry farms), training, VMFs, and other innovative methods and technologies for sustainable agriculture.

Output 1) Nutrition Bulletins – Summarizing the market and business research, scale-up research strategy, insights into sustained EHFP (Enhanced Homestead Food Production) for the FoF trial households, and the impact of microcredit as a tool for increasing the availability of financial resources for participation in the FF4F program.

Output 2) Workshops, forums and meetings – Actively participating in national working groups, forums and presenting at national and international food and nutrition security conferences. HKI was also nominated to be the focal point for the SUN movement in Cambodia.

Output 3) Policy brief – Information on the potential solutions to food insecurity, undernutrition and gender inequalities in Cambodia are presented in a policy brief and will be shared with key government ministries (e.g. the Fisheries Administration, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Rural Development and Agriculture).

Output 4) Media – Many of the FF4F outcomes and activities have been reported on in Cambodian and Canadian news outlets, through social media such as Twitter and the project website, through video clips and outcome stories on YouTube, and using print media such as posters and infographics.

Output 5) Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) & training materials – Project partners developed numerous BCC materials on improved EHFP practices, polyculture, nutrition, and women’s empowerment, which were used for training and educational purposes and distributed to project participants, NGO staff, and government. These materials were refined and revised in FF4F, including the Nurturing Connections manual.

1) Refine Homestead Food Production for different agro-ecological contexts;
2) Test and develop cost-sharing social impact models of Homestead Food Productions;
3) Scale-up with government, public and private sector collaboration;
4) Inform and influence food security strategies and polices of national and international stakeholders.

Achieved Results



MNCH-related indicators
  • # of district/health facilities that use sex disaggregated data to inform health service delivery
  • # of health facilities equipped with maternal and newborn child health, or sexual and reproductive health equipment
  • % of total population living within 5 km to a functioning health facility
  • %/total households with access to a safe water supply
  • %/total of health workers (male/female) trained and using their learned skills
  • %/total of infants (0-5 months) who are fed exclusively with breast milk
  • %/total of mothers, and %/total of babies, who received postnatal care within two days of childbirth
  • %/total of women attended at least four times during pregnancy by any provider for reasons related to the pregnancy
  • Women’s groups/CSOs participating in the development of strategies and/or projects
SDG Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • SDG 1.4.1 Proportion of population living in households with access to basic services
SDG Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
  • SDG 2.1.2 Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the population, based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES)
SDG Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • SDG 11.7.2 Proportion of persons victim of physical or sexual harassment, by sex, age, disability status and place of occurrence, in the previous 12 months
SRHR-related Indicators
  • % of primary service delivery points with least 3 modern methods of contraception available on the day of assessment
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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