FPGL – Support to Basic Education in the Labrousse Region

Reporting Organization:Fondation Paul Gerin-Lajoie
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 1,007,143
Timeframe: May 5, 2011 - March 28, 2013
Status: Completion
Contact Information: Unspecified

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

Fondation Paul Gerin-Lajoie

Participating Organizations


Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

Haiti - $ 1,007,143.00 (100.00%)

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Areas of Focus

Other - Total Budget Allocation

Education (70 %)

Law, Governance & Public Policy (20 %)

Disaster Risk Reduction & Early Recovery (10 %)

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The objective of this project is to give access to quality basic education adapted to the post-earthquake situation for children of primary level of Labrousse in Haiti. The main activities include: (i) reconstruction and rehabilitation of five schools and 21 classrooms which were destroyed during the earthquake, and the rehabilitation of three classrooms at EFACAP (École fondamentale d’application – Centre d’appui pédagogique), including the installation of latrines et water systems; (ii) strengthening of the education workers in 21 schools as well as providing psychosocial and pedagogical support to the EFACAP; and (iii) strengthening school councils in order to improve the quality of education. The expected intermediate outcomes for this project include: (i) six primary schools in the Labrousse region rehabilitated or rebuilt, ensuring an equitable access to schooling for both girls and boys, while respecting environmental standards; and (ii) strengthened capacities of local actors in educational field, particularly women, in the 21 schools under the jurisdiction of the local partner.

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Target Population

Gender and age: Adult women Children, girls Children, boys
Total Direct Population: 4,781
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results


Achieved Results

Results achieved as of the end of the project (March 2013) : The 21 class rooms were rebuilt and many reparations were completed on the École fondamentale d’application / Centre d’appui pédagogique (ÉFACAP) in the Labrousse region. Under the quality education component of the project, 208 beneficiaries received pedagogical and psychosocial support, instead of the 122 planned. 4,573 children received school supplies, surpassing the target of 4 535 children the partner originally planned to support. The school council coordinator received 18 days of training while only 10 were planned and the school board members, of which 30% were women, received the planned 50 days of training on the roles and responsabilities of these structures et on good governance.


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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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