Reporting Organization: | Commonwealth of Learning |
Total Budget ($CAD): | $ Unspecified |
Timeframe: | Unspecified |
Status: | Implementation |
Contact Information: | Unspecified |
Mozambique - $ 0 (100%) | |
Sub-Saharan Africa - $ 0 | |
Gender Equality (33.34 %) | |
Economic Development & Empowerment (33.33 %) | |
Education (33.33 %) | |
GIRLS Inspire is a partnership between the Commonwealth of
Learning (COL) and community organisations in Mozambique
to address the barriers keeping girls and women from full
participation in society.
Girls are a critical agent for social change and global
development. Closing the gender gap during adolescence
in education, economic activity and health will significantly increase national economic growth and well-being. But
barriers such as child, early and forced marriage (CEFM),
distance to school, security concerns, cultural values and the
costs of schooling all prevent girls and women from participating in educational opportunities.
GIRLS Inspire’s three-year project, funded by the Government
of Canada, focuses upon preventing CEFM in Mozambique
through open, distance and technology-based education.
Ending CEFM is crucial to Mozambique achieving eight of the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Gender and age: | Adult women Adolescent females Children, girls |
Total Direct Population: | 11,076 |
Total Indirect Population: | 500,000 |
16 | Community-agreed safe learning environments established |
242 | Agreements signed |
74 | Events |
1 | Project featured on national TV |
1 | MOU signed with the Ministry of Health |
MOUs signed with the Ministry of Labour |
Through the safe learning spaces and mobile classes, 666 women
and girls completed skills training and 386 girls reintegrated
into formal schooling, setting them on the path to greater
earning ability.
In addition, through life skills workshops on sexual and reproductive health, family planning and HIV/AIDS, girls learned
about young mothers who experienced complications in early
pregnancies. A total of 171 girls accessed family planning services.
Twenty-eight ADPP staff members have been trained as
community facilitators, monitoring and evaluation officers,
data collectors and course material developers. Twenty-two
Progresso staff were trained in gender mainstreaming and
other ways of supporting women and girls.
Through 74 events, GIRLS Inspire raised awareness in all
sections of the community about CEFM, domestic violence,
gender equality, and sexual and reproductive health.
Community radio, national TV spots, debates, role-playing and
presentations, community meetings and community performances by cultural groups reached at least 9,803 community
members. In addition, a GIRLS Inspire project was featured on
national TV and seen by over half a million people.
Ten exchanges with external agencies yielded excellent results,
including: (1) an MOU signed with the Ministry of Health to
develop life skills courses on sexual and reproductive health
and HIV/AIDS; and (2) MOUs signed with the Ministry of
Labour to allow the use of their mobile training facilities and
allow linkages with internship and work placements.
Progresso also continually discusses co-ordination of the
project with the Ministry of Education and the Direcções
Provinciais da Educação e Desenvolvimento Humano.