Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP)
Reporting Organization: | Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GASFP) |
Total Budget ($CAD): | $ 182,000,000 |
Timeframe: |
April 21, 2010 - March 28, 2013 |
Status: |
Completion |
Contact Information: |
Unspecified |
Partner & Funder Profiles
Reporting Organization
Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GASFP)
Participating Organizations
Government and Public Sector
Funders (Total Budget Contribution)
Government and Public Sector
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Country - Total Budget Allocation
Ethiopia - $ 29,192,800.00 (16.04%) |
Bangladesh - $ 28,355,600.00 (15.58%) |
Rwanda - $ 28,355,600.00 (15.58%) |
Sierra Leone - $ 28,355,600.00 (15.58%) |
Togo - $ 22,113,000.00 (12.15%) |
Haiti - $ 19,838,000.00 (10.90%) |
Niger (the) - $ 18,709,600.00 (10.28%) |
Mongolia - $ 7,079,800.00 (3.89%) |
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Areas of Focus
Other - Total Budget Allocation
Food Security & Agriculture (100 %) |
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he Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) seeks to address the underfunding of country and regional agriculture and food security strategic investment plans by focusing on longer-term investments in developing countries. The GAFSP provides grants (public sector window), and loans and equity investments (private sector window) to developing countries. CIDA’s support to the GAFSP helps to improve the income and food security of poor people in developing countries through more and better country-led public and private sector investments, thereby contributing to the achievement of the first Millennium Development Goal to cut hunger and poverty in half by 2015. The GAFSP, established in April 2010, enables participating developing countries to help raise agricultural productivity; links farmers to markets; strengthens the technical capacity of institutions to plan and develop appropriate agricultural policies; reduces risk and vulnerability of the most vulnerable populations; and improves non-farm rural livelihoods. The GAFSP Public Sector Window projects are expected to improve the lives of approximately 7.5 million beneficiaries, raising total incomes by an estimated US $100 million per year. Sixty countries are eligible to receive GAFSP funding through a competitive process.
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Target Population
Gender and age: |
Adult women
Adult men
Adolescent females
Adolescent males
Children, girls
Children, boys
Under-5 children
Older adults, women
Older adults, men
Descriptors: |
Total Direct Population: |
Unspecified |
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Access roads rehabilitated |
30000 |
Ton paddy drying and storage facility established |
91700 |
Client days of training provided |
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Results & Indicators
Expected Results
The expected outcomes for this project include: (1) helping rural households manage income shocks and develop long-term resilience; (2) raising agricultural productivity and improving resilience to climate change; and (3) linking farmers to markets and supporting value chains.
Achieved Results
Results achieved from July 2012 to June 2013 include: – In Ethiopia, 91,700 client days of training have been provided to technical specialists and other government officials. Women accounted for 29 percent of participants. – In Cambodia, a 30,000-ton paddy drying and storage facility is being established. This facility will accommodate post-harvest paddy supplies to ensure better processing quality. The facilities will be operated by public-private partnerships. – In Malawi, 50 kilometres of access roads is being rehabilitated to further connect farm areas to markets.
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Links & Resources
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Associated Projects (If applicable)
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