Health Systems Strengthening in Western Equatoria State
Reporting Organization: | Amref Health Africa in Canada |
Total Budget ($CAD): | $ 2,815,374 |
Timeframe: |
November 10, 2015 - June 30, 2017 |
Status: |
Completion |
Contact Information: |
Unspecified |
Partner & Funder Profiles
Reporting Organization
Amref Health Africa in Canada
Participating Organizations
Government and Public Sector
Funders (Total Budget Contribution)
Government and Public Sector
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Country - Total Budget Allocation
South Sudan - $ 2,815,374.00 (100.00%) |
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Areas of Focus
Health - Total Budget Allocation
Reproductive Health & Rights incl. Maternal Health (30 %) |
Primary Health Care (25 %) |
Health Systems, Training & Infrastructure (20 %) |
Nutrition (5 %) |
Other - Total Budget Allocation
Law, Governance & Public Policy (20 %) |
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This project aims to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates in Yambio County by improving the quality of maternal and infant health services at the Yambio State Hospital. Project activities include: (1) training of medical staff in basic emergency obstetrics, paediatrics, pre- and post-natal care services, sexual and gender based violence, laboratory management, and water and sanitation; (2) providing the hospital with supplies, medicines and training on infection control; and (3) improving Health Management Information Systems capacities. The project is expected to reach approximately 39,000 people directly, including over 8,000 pregnant women and 30,860 children under the age of five. Amref Health Africa in Canada is working in partnership with Amref Kenya and Amref South Sudan to implement this project with the State Ministry of Health of Western Equatoria State.
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Target Population
Gender and age: |
Adult women
Under-5 children
Total Direct Population: |
39,000 |
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Inventory management system adopted |
19375 |
Children under five accessed outpatient pediatric services from targeted primary health care centres |
19420 |
Children under the age of one received child immunizations |
2641 |
Pregnant women attended at least four antenatal care visits |
4510 |
Safe deliveries conducted |
51 |
Medical staff trained |
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Results & Indicators
Expected Results
The expected intermediate outcomes for this project include: (1) improved delivery of essential health services to newborns, children under five, mothers, and pregnant women; (2) strengthened management & administration modalities of the hospital; and (3) an improved enabling environment for the sustainable delivery of essential maternal, newborn and child health services.
Achieved Results
Results achieved as of the end of the project (June 2017) include: (1) 4,510 safe deliveries at targeted health facilities including a decrease of two percentage points in the number of neonatal deaths; (2) 19,420 children under the age of one received child immunizations; (3) 2,641 pregnant women attended at least four antenatal care visits; (4) 19,375 children under five accessed outpatient pediatric services from targeted primary health care centres; (5) each of the targeted primary health care centres adopted an inventory management system for the delivery and tracking of medicines and medical supplies which helped in reducing shortages of medicine; and (6) 51 medical staff members attended at least one of the 10 different types of training provided, and 14 staff members received mentorship and coaching. These results helped to reduce maternal, newborn and child mortality at Yambio State Hospital by supporting continued care for patients and establishing systems to improve hospital administration. The project also improved the delivery of reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health services at the six targeted primary health care centres in Yambio County and bridged connections between the hospital and health training institutes to facilitate practical training for students.
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Associated Projects (If applicable)
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