This project aims to support the health and rights of women and girls in South Sudan by increasing the availability of skilled healthcare providers, improving attitudes toward sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and the fighting against gender-based violence (GBV). The project will also support South Sudan’s government in developing and implementing SRHR and GBV policies. Project activities include: (1) equipping targeted health facilities and deploying qualified healthcare workers; (2) sensitizing communities about the availability of SRHR, GBV, and HIV services and mobilizing these communities to prevent and respond to GBV; (3) training healthcare professionals and providing support to health training institutions; and (4) supporting the relevant government ministries to develop and enact gender-responsive SRHR, GBV, and HIV laws and policies. This project expects to support 10 health institutes which will train up to 5,000 healthcare workers, provide services and support to up to 7,000 survivors of GBV, and reach up to 500,000 people with positive messaging on SRHR and the fight against GBV.
The expected outcomes for this project include: (1) an increase in women and girls’ use of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and gender-based violence (GBV) services, especially by women and girls living in vulnerable situations; and (2) strengthened enabling environments for women and girls’ access to SRHR and GBV services at national, state, and local levels.