Improving Maternal, Newborn and Child Survival in Warrap State

Reporting Organization:Canadian Red Cross
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 21,797,765
Timeframe: March 24, 2014 - March 31, 2019
Status: Implementation
Contact Information: Unspecified

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

Canadian Red Cross

Participating Organizations

Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

South Sudan - $ 21,797,765.00 (100.00%)

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Areas of Focus

Health - Total Budget Allocation

Primary Health Care (31 %)

Health Promotion & Education (30 %)

Health Systems, Training & Infrastructure (12 %)

Reproductive Health & Rights incl. Maternal Health (10 %)

Infectious & Communicable Diseases (2 %)

Other - Total Budget Allocation

Law, Governance & Public Policy (12 %)

WASH (3 %)

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The “Improving Maternal, Newborn and Child Survival in Warrap State, South Sudan” project, funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and managed by the Canadian and South Sudan Red Cross Societies, aims to reduce maternal, newborn and child mortality by increasing the awareness of, demand for, and access to a range of health services at the community level. The five-year project officially started in March 2014 with the goal of reaching 350,000 beneficiaries, and is being implemented in close collaboration with the South Sudan Ministry of Health at national, state and county levels, the Ministry of Water and Sanitation, and other levels of government in all nine payams of Gogrial West County. It has three overall objectives: Increased use of MNCH services at the community level; increased use of preventative MNCH practices by beneficiaries; and increased contribution of the South Sudan Red Cross and government health sector staff to implement new approaches for improved MNCH.

These objectives will be accomplished by training members of community health structures and rolling out to communities a basic package of health, hygiene and nutrition services. These include Integrated Community Case Management of childhood illnesses, Maternal and Newborn Care/Safe Motherhood, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, epidemic control, and gender equity. The training and rollout of these activities along with provision of drugs and medical supplies will increase the access and ability of beneficiaries to use preventive and curative maternal and newborn health practises and services, which will lead to decreased maternal and child mortality and increased maternal and child health. The project will rehabilitate and construct water points in selected communities, provide sanitation items, construct latrines, distribute insecticide-treated mosquito nets, and procure other essential health items. The project will also support the setting up of a functional referral system, including construction of maternal waiting homes, to increase access of beneficiaries to clinical care when it is needed. Finally, the project aims to build the capacities of the South Sudan Red Cross and government staff through the establishment of systems and mechanisms to facilitate health service delivery, including supporting the design and implementation of the Boma Health Initiative, adapting reporting systems and mechanisms to this new initiative, and documenting its implementation to inform policymaking.

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Target Population

Gender and age: Adult women Adult men Adolescent females Adolescent males Children, girls Children, boys Under-5 children Newborns Older adults, women Older adults, men
Total Direct Population: 32,756
Total Indirect Population: 229,574
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10 Trained midwifes
2 Outreach medical teams well-equipped including 4 staff members each
21,650 Number of LLINs distributed to pregnant women and mothers of children under 2 years old
70 Number of boreholes providing improved water to 35,000 people
995 Number of HHPs trained on MNC promotion messages including 496 female and 499 male
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results

The expected intermediate outcomes for this project include: (i) increased use of integrated mother, newborn and child health services at community level in Warrap State; (ii) increased use of preventative mother, newborn and child health practices by beneficiaries; and (iii) increased contribution of the South Sudan Red Cross and government health sector staff to implementing new approaches for improving mother, newborn and child health in the country.

Achieved Results

Results achieved as of March 2018 include:

1. the project has seen major strides towards increasing access to integrated MNCH services for women, men, boys, and girls at the community level through clinical outreach and iCCM.

2. Ten (10) midwifery candidates are currently enrolled at Mary Help College in Wau. The students generally performed well and are set to complete their course in December 2018, with their graduation ceremony in January 2019. Monitoring visits to the students are conducted jointly with SMoH, SSRC and CRC and the last visit focused on the placement of students in various MoH facilities in Gogrial after completing their trainings in December 2018.

3. The Medical Outreach Teams engaged in 34,994 curative cases; of which 12,052 were children under 5 years and 51.9% of all consultations were women and girls. In the same period under the iCCM, 46,835 children received treatment. There was a total of 65,783 cases attended to through iCCM with 48.8% of all children being female. 20.6% of children were between 2-11 months and 79.4% were 1-5 years old.

4. Referrals were mainly for cases of malnutrition (32%), followed by malaria (29%), while pneumonia accounted for 20% and diarrhea for 18% of all referrals. There were 1,512 ANC visits and 6,606 doses of various vaccinations were given under the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI). A total of 818 HHPs (target 800) were trained and equipped in iCCM with 42.6% of these HHPs being female.

5. This year, the project managed to train 995 HHPs out of 1,000 planned. The trained HHPs have already reached 295,470 community members with messages on health promotion (specifically related to malaria, diarrhea, immunizations, maternal health, nutrition, and breastfeeding). The project is preparing to train 800 HHPs in the 5 remaining payams by initiating the production and supply of additional IEC material.

6. With the Boma Health Initiative (BHI) being officially launched at the state level in Kuajok, 28 Boma Health Committees (310 members with 26, 8% being women) were able to receive an orientation in BHI (out of 30 BHCs targeted by end of project).

7. Six teachers from four schools along with representatives from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health were trained to support 50 girls from each of the four schools in the safe and hygienic use of sanitary pads. A total of 260 school girls (target 200) have received reusable sanitary pads, as well as soap, every month to maintain the cleanliness of the pads.

8. All 90 CHWs (17 female) have been trained in supervision mechanism. A supervisory system has been established for HHPs with all HHPs reporting to their respective CHWs and the CHWs reporting to the Health Officers/Deputy Project Coordinator. Supervisory checklists have been adapted from existing MoH and SSRC tools for both iCCM and Health Promotion. The use of the Supervision Checklists by some CHWs during their supervisions remains a challenge. To date, 512 HHP teams have been supervised. This is a major improvement and the impact of this can be seen in the improved quality of reporting.

9. There was improved access by women and men to malaria prevention measures at community level, with the distribution of 13,000 LLINs, reaching 8,970 lactating mothers and 4,030 pregnant women (with 8,650 distributed last fiscal year, the total number of LLINs distributed is 21,650 – exceeding our target of 18,000).

10. A total of 70 boreholes are now functional in the project area of which 40 boreholes have been newly drilled and 30 have been rehabilitated since the project’s inception. Out of the 70 established Water Management Committees (WMC), 37 committees (259 community members, 185 of which are women) have been trained on managing the newly drilled or rehabilitated water points.

11. In addition, 19 sanitation technicians (3 female) were trained in the construction of 2 different latrine designs. Each of these 19 received certification as well as a standardised set of digging tools to construct a demonstration latrine in his or her community.

12. Through the 85 SSRC volunteer health promoters trained in WASH, 31 communities have undertaken the initial process of CLTS/PHAST and 2,078 community members reached with hygiene promotion messages (1,213 women and 865 men).


MNCH-related indicators
  • %/total of mothers, and %/total of babies, who received postnatal care within two days of childbirth
  • %/total of women attended at least four times during pregnancy by any provider for reasons related to the pregnancy
  • %/total of sick children under 5 receiving treatment for malaria, pneumonia, or diarrhea
  • %/total of infants (0-5 months) who are fed exclusively with breast milk
  • %/total households with access to a safe water supply
SDG Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • SDG 3.1.1 Maternal mortality ratio
  • SDG 3.1.2 Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel
  • SDG 3.2.1 Under‑5 mortality rate
  • SDG 3.7.1 Proportion of women of reproductive age (aged 15–49 years) who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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