Improving Maternal Participation and Access to Community Training (IMPACT) Project
Reporting Organization: | CAUSE Canada |
Total Budget ($CAD): | $ 4,400,000 |
Timeframe: |
February 25, 2016 - March 31, 2020 |
Status: |
Implementation |
Contact Information: |
David Fafard
[email protected]
Partner & Funder Profiles
Reporting Organization
CAUSE Canada
Participating Organizations
Government and Public Sector
Funders (Total Budget Contribution)
Government and Public Sector
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Country - Total Budget Allocation
Guatemala - $ 3,080,000.00 (70.00%) |
Honduras - $ 1,320,000.00 (30.00%) |
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Areas of Focus
Health - Total Budget Allocation
Reproductive Health & Rights incl. Maternal Health (50 %) |
Newborn & Child Health (25 %) |
Primary Health Care (25 %) |
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The IMPACT Guatemala and Honduras initiative aims to improve health service access and use by pregnant and lactating mothers and children under five years of age in over 100 hard-to-reach communities in Guatemala and Honduras. The initiative will help strengthen health systems by renovating existing structures and ensuring they are staffed with well-trained MNCH aides. The initiative will also contribute to improving maternal, newborn and child nutrition by increasing consumption of nutritional food and supplements by pregnant and lactating women as well as children under the age of five, and encouraging women to initiate early breastfeeding and to exclusively breastfeed their infants for at least five months.
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Target Population
Gender and age: |
Adult women
Adult men
Adolescent females
Adolescent males
Under-5 children
Descriptors: |
Local minority groups
Indeginous Mayan Mam people in Guatemala and Lenca people in Honduras |
Total Direct Population: |
68,400 |
Total Indirect Population: |
160,000 |
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Monthly trainings to 128 Community health facilitators |
On-going workshops |
Target of 667 workshops by the end of the project. Over 550 nutrition workshops have been provided to date. |
Trainings provided to 300 midwives |
Trainings provided to members of the Women's MNCH committees. Target of 312 by the end of the project and over 250 have been provided to date. |
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Results & Indicators
Expected Results
According to the project design, the IMPACT MNCH project is expected to: – Establish 55 MNCH centers in existing and non-existing structures to serve over 100 communities.
– Establish 55 MNCH Women’s Health Committees and 55 Community Health Committees and provide workshops to them. – Provide trainings to 55 Community Health Facilitators.
– Provide trainings to 300 Midwives.
– Provide annual medical waste management workshops to MoH and IMPACT personnel.
– Purchase and deliver medical equipment for MNCH centers, Health Facilitators and Midwives.
– Provide primary health care MNCH services in over 100 communities to pregnant and lactating women and children under 5. – Deliver workshops to women and their partners in over 100 communities on such topics as: gender equality, gender violence, pregnancy risks, newborn health, etc. – Train members of the Women’s Health Committees on leadership and monitoring of MNCH services in their community.
Achieved Results
The IMPACT MNCH team has accomplished the following: – Established 75 MNCH centers and provided them with medical equipment in the four target regions. 125 Health Facilitators and 287 Midwives have been equipped with appropriate equipment.
– Established 128 Women’s Health Committees and 128 Community Health Committees with approximately 1,800 participants, who have received over 1,100 workshops to date.
– Provided monthly trainings to 125 Health Facilitators and 287 Midwives who are saving lives in their communities on a monthly basis. – Provided 1 annual medical waste management training in each target region per year.
– Provided over 7,000 home visits for pre and post-natal checkups and monitoring of children with malnutrion.
– Established monthly medical mobile clinics in MNCH centers in 128 communities.
– Provided over 700 workshops to over 7000 participants in 128 communities. – Empowered over 800 members of the Women’s Health Committees to monitor MNCH services in their communities and realize projects in their communities to improve health opportunities.
– Empowered over 800 members of the Community Health Committees to build their own community MNCH centers where there was none. – Gender advisors have started training over 100 ‘Lideresas’ (women leaders) to identify SGBV and help victims reach accessible services. – Began working with the MoH and other local partners to create a chain of services for victims of SGBV in all regions.
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Associated Projects (If applicable)
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