Reporting Organization: | Canadian Rotary Collaboration for International Development (CRCID) |
Total Budget ($CAD): | $ 1,118,888 |
Timeframe: | August 1, 2014 - August 31, 2015 |
Status: | Completion |
Contact Information: | Unspecified |
Canadian Rotary Collaboration for International Development (CRCID)
Guatemala - $ 637,766.16 (57.00%) | |
Honduras - $ 481,121.84 (43.00%) | |
Education (72 %) | |
Law, Governance & Public Policy (20 %) | |
WASH (8 %) | |
This project aims to improve the quality of life of vulnerable people, particularly women and children, in Guatemala and Honduras, and to increase their opportunities to contribute to the economic growth of their community and region. The project focuses on three different components: basic education, health, and sustainable economic growth. In Guatemala the project seeks to increase the number of students attending and successfully completing various levels of education. Some project activities include: (1) providing scholarship packages to more than 1,400 children and youth at risk; (2) renovating 31 classrooms; and (3) providing 14 schools with desks, chalkboards and learning supplies. In Honduras, the project seeks to improve access to quality water and sanitation facilities in communities and schools, and to improve the sustainability of income for women and their families. Some project activities include: (1) installing water systems in two communities; and (2) providing community members, especially women, with training and support on their micro-businesses, including access to micro-financing.
Gender and age: | Adult women Adolescent females Adolescent males Children, girls Children, boys |
Total Direct Population: | 7,274 |
Return to topThe expected intermediate outcomes for this project include: (1) increased access to quality basic education (2) improved access to better water and sanitation facilities (latrines) and improved hygiene practices and knowledge regarding public health; and (3) increased access to affordable micro-finance for poor entrepreneurs (mostly women).
Results achieved at the end of project activities (August 2015) include: (1) increased access to micro-loans for 240 new clients (75% women) through the establishment of a new branch of the Institute for Development in Honduras (IDH) in Santa Barbara; (2) provided improved access to sustainable water facilities in two rural communities of Quebrada Chiquita and Las Camelias, reaching 3,000 people; and (3) increased access to quality schools, quality teaching, and school supplies for children of 19 schools in Guatemala, directly benefitting 4, 034 children (2,262 girls and 1,722 boys). These results have contributed to increased entrepreneurial activities by women and men in Honduras, and improved health for rural Honduran families.