Increase Gains in Nutrition by Integration, Education, Evaluation and Empowerment (IGNIT3)

Reporting Organization:SickKids Centre for Global Child Health
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 20,000,000
Timeframe: May 19, 2023 - January 31, 2029
Status: Implementation
Contact Information:
[email protected]

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

SickKids Centre for Global Child Health

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

Malawi - $ 8,000,000.00 (40.00%)

Ghana - $ 6,200,000.00 (31.00%)

Pakistan - $ 5,800,000.00 (29.00%)

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Areas of Focus

Other - Total Budget Allocation

Education (11.00 %)

Environment & Climate Change (11.00 %)

Gender Equality (11.00 %)

WASH (11.00 %)

Health - Total Budget Allocation

Health Systems, Training & Infrastructure (11.00 %)

Reproductive Health & Rights incl. Maternal Health (11.00 %)

Nutrition (11.00 %)

Newborn & Child Health (11.00 %)

Adolescent Health (11.00 %)

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The project aims to improve nutrition for the poorest and most marginalized in Ghana, Malawi and Pakistan, especially women, adolescent girls, and children. In all three countries, women, adolescent girls and children represent a disproportionate number impacted by malnutrition due to various biological and socio-cultural factors, including poverty, gender inequality, and community norms. The project expects to deliver targeted, integrated nutrition, health, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to build sustainable institutional capacity across the continuum of care and improve nutrition within vulnerable communities. The project aims to reach males and females in health facilities, communities, and education institutions across Ghana, Malawi, and Pakistan. Project activities include: (1) delivering gender-responsive antenatal care training (including one specific to adolescent girls) to health professionals and community health workers; (2) providing training on integrated nutrition and hygiene behaviour change communications to health professionals and community health workers; (3) training health professionals about integrated nutrition, health, WASH interventions; (4) integrating gender-responsive adolescent-friendly nutrition and hygiene behaviour change communications with routine health services at select facilities; (5) supporting district-level Ministry of Health to operationalize the strategy to deliver essential nutrition services to all children; and (6) delivering capacity building workshops and implementing gender-responsive and integrated nutrition, and health and WASH services for key stakeholders.

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Target Population

Gender and age: Adolescent females Adolescent males Adult men Adult women Children, boys Children, girls Newborns Under-5 children
Total Direct Population: 562,836
Total Indirect Population: 8,557,444
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Multiple Micronutrient Supplements (MMS) for pregnant women and adolescent girls procured and distributed
Gender- responsive antenatal care training (including one specific to adolescent girls) provided to health workers
Tailored antenatal care nutrition recommendations developed for pregnant adolescent girls
Training packages on integrated nutrition, health, WASH interventions delivered to health workers in target countries
Health facilities with gender-responsive adolescent-friendly nutrition, water and sanitation and health services established
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results

The expected outcomes of this project include: (1) improved nutrition and hygiene practices at community and individual levels among women, men, adolescent girls and boys in target countries; (2) strengthened gender-responsive adolescent-friendly integrated nutrition, health, and WASH services for the most marginalized, especially women, adolescent girls, and children in target countries; and (3) improved effectiveness of stakeholders to integrate, enhance, and sustain quality nutrition, health, and WASH services for the most marginalized, especially women, adolescent girls, and children in target countries.

Achieved Results


  • None Selected
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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