The project aims to strengthen health systems in the districts of Chitipa and Kasungu in Malawi, by working with local health authorities to improve water, sanitation, and medical waste management systems at health facilities, and through improved capacity of facility and community-based health workers to deliver gender-sensitive maternal, newborn and child Health (MNCH) services. Activities include: (1) training health workers on the full MNCH continuum of care, including the importance of improved sanitation and hygiene as a key measure to prevent infection; (2) establishing and rehabilitating water supply systems, hand washing stations, and medical waste management systems at health facilities; (3) developing and implementing scorecards and other citizen engagement mechanisms to enable communities to communicate their healthcare needs to local government, and provide feedback on whether these needs are being met. This initiative is implemented through a consortium led by CowaterSogema International, and includes Plan International Canada; and the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada; and in collaboration with Plan International Malawi.
The expected outcomes for the project include: (1) improved delivery of essential health services to mothers, pregnant women, newborns & children under 5; and (2) improved utilization of essential health services by mothers, pregnant women, newborns and children under 5.