Middle East, North Africa and Ukraine Emergency Food Assistance – WFP 2024

Reporting Organization:WFP - World Food Programme
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 53,050,000
Timeframe: January 31, 2024 - December 31, 2024
Status: Actif
Contact Information: Unspecified

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

WFP - World Food Programme

Participating Organizations


Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

Syrian Arab Republic - $ 17,808,885.00 (33.57%)

Lebanon - $ 12,472,055.00 (23.51%)

Ukraine - $ 9,999,925.00 (18.85%)

Yemen - $ 9,501,255.00 (17.91%)

Jordan - $ 2,376,640.00 (4.48%)

Iraq - $ 891,240.00 (1.68%)

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Areas of Focus

Other - Total Budget Allocation

Humanitarian Response (100.00 %)

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[January, 2024] The World Food Programme (WFP) is the United Nations’ frontline agency in the fight against hunger. It responds to emergencies, saves lives by quickly getting food assistance (cash or in-kind) to vulnerable food insecure populations and helps prevent hunger. As the global lead agency for logistics and emergency telecommunications, WFP plays a major role in providing common services for the humanitarian community. It transports humanitarian workers, carries light cargo for humanitarian agencies and carries out emergency medical and security evacuations. This project operates in the Middle East, North Africa and Ukraine. With GAC’s support, WFP provides targeted food assistance to vulnerable populations to reduce acute malnutrition and food insecurity, and protect livelihoods. Project activities include: (1) distributing food and cash-based transfer; (2) providing supplementary feeding for children under the age of 5 years, as well as pregnant and lactating women; and (3) providing logistical support and enabling access to the most remote and challenging locations.

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Target Population

Gender and age: Unspecified
Total Direct Population: Unspecified
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results

The expected outcomes for this project include: (1) increased access to food and cash assistance for crisis-affected populations; (2) increased access to supplementary feeding for vulnerable groups, including children, and pregnant and lactating women; and (3) increased logistics and increased access to remote and challenging areas for humanitarian workers. The expected ultimate outcome is lives saved, suffering alleviated and human dignity maintained in countries experiencing humanitarian crises.

Achieved Results


  • None Selected
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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