Multisectoral support for recovery after COVID-19 in Senegal

Reporting Organization:UNICEF
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 19,982,049
Timeframe: March 24, 2021 - December 31, 2023
Status: Implementation
Contact Information: Unspecified

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization


Participating Organizations


Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

Senegal - $ 19,982,049.00 (100.00%)

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Areas of Focus

Other - Total Budget Allocation

Education (35.00 %)

Law, Governance & Public Policy (19.00 %)

Protection (8.00 %)

Sexual & Gender-based Violence (7.00 %)

Other (5.00 %)

WASH (5.00 %)

Health - Total Budget Allocation

Health Promotion & Education (8.00 %)

Infectious & Communicable Diseases (5.00 %)

Health Systems, Training & Infrastructure (4.00 %)

Primary Health Care (3.00 %)

Nutrition (1.00 %)

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This project aims to improve the well being of the most vulnerable children, particularly young girls and adolescent girls, by supporting the relaunch and improving the quality of essential services in health, nutrition, education and child protection that have been delayed or disrupted in the wake of the COVID 19 pandemic. The project also aims to reduce gender inequalities and support the empowerment of women and girls to increase their resilience to crises and strengthen their role at the social, economic and community level. Finally, the project improves the planning, management, coordination and collaborative response associated with the current crisis, while laying the groundwork for the more effective management of future crises. Project activities include: (1) building staff capacity and strengthening health, education and child protection structures and facilities through training, the supply of equipment, and the procurement and distribution of essential nutritional inputs; (2) implementing special measures to respond to the specific challenges caused by the pandemic, such as financial support to address the risk of children dropping out of school, supporting children to return to school, and the civil registration of undeclared children; (3) strengthening the skills and resilience of women and girls to participate in and lead initiatives that focus on civic engagement, advocating for their rights, entrepreneurship and decision making within their communities; and (4) strengthening the intra- and inter sectoral structures and mechanisms for evidence-based decision making at the central and decentralized levels, taking into account gender dimensions in order to better respond to the challenges that have been exacerbated by the health crisis.

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Target Population

Gender and age: Adolescent females Adolescent males Adult men Adult women Children, boys Children, girls
Total Direct Population: 61,799
Total Indirect Population: 1,246
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188 community actors trained in the prevention of sexual and physical violence and abuse against children
1,246 victims of violence provided with access to care services
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results

The expected outcomes for this project include: (1) improved access to quality social services in health, nutrition, education and child protection involving communities to address the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic; (2) improved resilience among women and girls within their communities to address the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic; and (3) improved and gender sensitive follow up and coordination of the sectoral responses to address the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic.

Achieved Results

Results achieved as of March 2024 include: (1) supported 27,889 children (15,182 girls and 12,707 boys) to benefit from school remediation. This includes a pedagogical device put in place after pupil assessment to fill gaps and correct faulty learning; (2) provided 2 doses of vitamin A supplementation to 204,871 children aged 6 to 59 months (105,382 girls and 99,489 boys) nationwide; (3) supported 4,597 additional children (2,363 girls and 2,234 boys) to participate in the “classes passerelles” program; (4) supported 2,956 (1,327 girls and 1,629 boys) child victims of violence, abuse and harmful practices to have access to a health service, a social service, psychosocial assistance or legal services; (5) supported 551 health facilities to have a formal health or civil registry corner to support birth registration in liaison with the civil registry services in the intervention zones. This enabled 94,708 children (46,361 girls and 48,347 boys) to be registered; (6) supported 20,677 young people to benefit from alternative education initiatives in literacy and numeracy. This includes 8,040 girls, 6,014 pupils in bridging classes, 6,721 pupils in Daaras (Koranic schools), 7,542 pupils in community classes and 400 pupils in vocational and technical training; (7) produced self-protection guides for children, families and educators; (8) revitalized the networks of women teachers and girls’ leadership clubs; (9)supported 16 departmental child protection committees in the project’s target area to strengthen their role at local level in coordinating protection players; (10) supported 18,088 pupils (not disaggregated) to benefit from the national program for learning to read in national languages; (11) supported 2,407 educational structures to have an operational system for detecting and registering pupils without birth certificates; and (12) raised awareness among 44,168 people (10,311 girls, 9,838 boys, 13,546 women and 10,473 men) about violence, abuse and harmful practices. This brought the total to 256,861 people (83,730 girls, 59,743 boys, 66,948 women and 46,440 men).


  • None Selected
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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