Nutritious Maize for Ethiopia
Reporting Organization: | International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) |
Total Budget ($CAD): | $ 11,309,278 |
Timeframe: |
March 5, 2012 - March 30, 2019 |
Status: |
Completion |
Contact Information: |
Unspecified |
Partner & Funder Profiles
Reporting Organization
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT)
Participating Organizations
Academia and Research
Government and Public Sector
- Government of Ethiopia -Ministry of Agriculture
Funders (Total Budget Contribution)
Government and Public Sector
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Country - Total Budget Allocation
Ethiopia - $ 11,309,278.00 (100.00%) |
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Areas of Focus
Health - Total Budget Allocation
Other - Total Budget Allocation
Food Security & Agriculture (40 %) |
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This project aims to improve household food security and nutrition in Ethiopia for an estimated 3.98 million people by promoting widespread adoption of Quality Protein Maize (QPM) varieties amongst growers and consumers of maize. Also known as corn, maize is an essential food source for Ethiopians. QPM is a non-genetically engineered form of maize. The maize contains a naturally derived gene mutation of maize which has a higher content of two essential amino acids necessary to synthesize proteins within the human body after consumption, and provides twice as much nutritional value as common maize. The project supports the adoption of QPM as well as increases in farm productivity and household incomes through the expansion of the maize seed industry. Project activities include: introducing QPM seed and food products to farmers (women and men) engaged in subsistence-level maize production as a means to meet household basic food requirements; disseminating gender-sensitive crop management practices to farmers and agricultural extension officers; and strengthening local capacity of researchers, seed producers, and seed suppliers on the production, distribution, and quality control of QPM seeds. Nutritious Maize for Ethiopia (NuME) is an initiative of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT), a member centre of the Consultative Group for International Agriculture Research (CGIAR). CIMMYT is implementing the project in collaboration with the Ethiopian Institute for Agriculture Research, Ethiopia’s Ministry of Agriculture, Farm Radio International, a Canadian non-governmental organization, and Sasakawa Global 2000 (SG2000), an international non-governmental organization.
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Target Population
Gender and age: |
Adult women
Adult men
Adolescent females
Adolescent males
Children, girls
Children, boys
Under-5 children
Older adults, women
Older adults, men
Total Direct Population: |
284,739 |
Total Indirect Population: |
3,980,000 |
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10 |
Audio-visual modules prepared and distributed |
1504 |
Tonnes of certified QPM seed produced |
1594 |
Farmer-focused learning events organized |
264 |
Farmer events organized |
4 |
Regional radio stations supported by Farm Radio International |
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Results & Indicators
Expected Results
The expected intermediate outcomes for this project include: 1. Increased utilization of Quality Protein Maize seed and grain, particularly by vulnerable groups with an emphasis on young children and women in maize-producing areas; 2. Increased Quality Protein Maize grain production in drought-prone and highland agro-ecological areas; 3. Strengthened institutional capacity of the public and private seed-supply sector to produce and distribute Quality Protein Maize seed on a sustainable basis.
Achieved Results
Results achieved as of March 2017 include: (1) a total of 284,100 farmers, researchers, extension agents, local and regional government officials, and media personnel participated and learned about the nutritional benefits of quality protein maize (QPM) and how to increase its productivity during 1,594 farmer-focused learning events including field demonstrations (22% women managed), field days and post-harvest demonstrations. The number of participants in farmer events far exceeds the original target of 20,000 for the whole project period; (2) training was provided to 639 farmers, health extension workers, nutritionists, and other government officials (38% male) on how to prepare traditional foods such as bread and injera using QPM. The benefits of QPM based food were also demonstrated during 264 farmer events (25% women). Ten audio-visual modules in four languages on QPM food preparation were prepared and distributed. Following these promotional activities, five studies show consumers preference for white and yellow QPM food products over conventional white and yellow maize food products; (3) four regional radio stations were supported by Farm Radio International to broadcast (Participatory Radio Campaign) programs focusing on QPM’s nutritional benefits as well as effective agricultural techniques, post-harvest management, and use; and (4) approximately 1,504 tonnes of certified QPM seed were produced by private seed companies; 508 tonnes of which were produced in the last year. This seed has been certified by government examiners to contain better quality protein. These results have contributed to increased capacity to produce and increased utilization of, Quality Protein Maize seed and grain in targeted areas.
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Associated Projects (If applicable)
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