Reporting Organization: | Fondation Paul Gerin-Lajoie |
Total Budget ($CAD): | $ 7,254,950 |
Timeframe: | April 1, 2021 - March 1, 2026 |
Status: | Implementation |
Contact Information: |
Andrianarilaza "Laz" Rakotovao [email protected] |
Haiti - $ 7,254,950.00 (100.00%) | |
Health Systems, Training & Infrastructure (0 %) | |
HIV (0 %) | |
Sexual Health & Rights (0 %) | |
Reproductive Health & Rights incl. Maternal Health (0 %) | |
Newborn & Child Health (0 %) | |
Health Promotion & Education (0 %) | |
Adolescent Health (0 %) | |
Gender Equality (0 %) | |
Sexual & Gender-based Violence (0 %) | |
Human Rights, Advocacy & Public Engagement (0 %) | |
The PASSREL project is working in the commune of Croix-des-Bouquets in Haiti to promote egalitarian sexual and reproductive health and to change people’s attitudes to these issues. The aim is to enable Haitians to exercise their right to health, particularly in terms of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for women, adolescents and people living on the margins of society. The project partners expect that 35,000 adolescent girls, women and men in the Croix-des-Bouquets commune will have access to SRHR services, The project also aims to develop a more positive attitude in the target communities towards sexual and reproductive health and rights, as well as the elimination of sexual and gender-based violence.The PASSREL project is also working alongside Haitian health institutions to improve their accountability. In addition, the project is working to increase the effectiveness of civil society organisations and citizens’ groups, particularly those defending the rights of women, adolescents and marginalised people, in asserting their rights to gender equality and reducing sexual and gender-based violence.
Gender and age: | Adolescent females Adolescent males Adult men Adult women |
Descriptors: | LGBTQ2I Communities Persons with disabilities Urban |
Total Direct Population: | 35,000 |
Total Indirect Population: | 110,692 |
8 | Community action plans |
30 | Awareness campaigns, trainings, and events |
35,000 | Number of people to benefit from access to SRHR services |
The ultimate aim of the Equal Sexual and Reproductive Health Support Project (the Project) is to improve the exercise of the right to health, particularly sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), for 35 000 citizens (25 000 adolescent girls/women and 10 000 adolescent boys/men) in the commune of Croix-des-Bouquets (CDB). This improved exercise means, among other things, that the adolescent girls and women targeted now have access to acceptable health care of satisfactory quality. It also means a more positive attitude on the part of the targeted communities, service and care providers and decision-making and governmental bodies towards greater control by adolescent girls, women and marginalised people over their SRHR and towards the elimination of sexual gender-based violence (SGBV). By focusing on raising awareness and mobilising citizens and better integrating consultation and accountability mechanisms between decision-makers and civil society, the project will address the obstacles to gender equality and respect for human rights in the SRHR sector, experienced in particular by adolescent girls, women and marginalised people in CDB. These obstacles include the lack of decision-making autonomy of adolescent girls, women and marginalised people with regard to SRHR, their poor access to and control over resources and their vulnerability to SGBV. The project will also address the institutional gaps at the EG that have been identified as priorities in the area of SRHR on the basis of evidence-based consultations. These include the poor provision of services/care for adolescent girls, for the prevention of cervical cancer, and for the repair of obstetric fistulas; the lack of respect for healthcare providers and the mistreatment women experience when accessing care in health institutions; and the multiple discrimination experienced by the most vulnerable, including sex workers and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people. PASSREL’s first area of intervention is aimed at improving the accountability of government bodies in the field of health, particularly the SRHR (inter 1100 res). Under this heading, PASSREL aims to strengthen the holders of obligations and responsibilities (health institutions). PASSREL will increase the capacity of local, departmental and national bodies to better support SRHR for adolescent girls and women using an approach that is respectful of rights and the environment, inclusive, participatory and transparent (imm res 1110). Support will then be offered to these bodies to monitor and strengthen health institutions offering SRHR services. Support will also be provided to strengthen the community participation coordination structure based on the government’s national strategy. Once this structure is in place, PASSREL will support its implementation by facilitating consultation between all the stakeholders involved in SRHR, including civil society and the most vulnerable groups, as well as empowering these stakeholders. This participatory and inclusive process will lead to the development of community action plans. PASSREL also aims to improve the capacity of health institutions to offer SRHR services that are gender-sensitive, respectful of rights and the environment, and meet the needs of adolescent girls, women and marginalised people. The rights-based approach will be at the heart of PASSREL. To this end, the project will offer a technical development programme for administrators and care providers from up to 10 health institutions, as well as material support to implement the recommendations. The project will also set up a centre of excellence for SRHR within the CBD Health Centre, with innovative centres of expertise in adolescent health, maternal and neonatal health, including cervical cancer prevention and obstetric fistula repair. It will also explore the possibility of adding other areas of expertise, such as the medical management of SGBV. PASSREL will also support health institutions in implementing community mobilisation plans, including the setting up of health committees or women’s user committees. The aim is for these community mobilisation strategies to be adopted by government bodies and health institutions, which will be equipped to support them, even beyond the scope of the project.The second area of intervention aims to increase the effectiveness of civil society organisations (CSOs) and Haitian citizens in asserting their right to health and in particular their rights in relation to SRHR. PASSREL aims to improve knowledge of SRHR issues and services, particularly among adolescent girls and women, and to increase the capacity of these rights-holders, but also of adolescent boys and men and CSOs, to participate in decision-making processes. Firstly, the project will seek to increase the knowledge and skills of community-based organisations (CBOs) and citizens to articulate their needs and expectations with regard to SRHR and to assert their rights, the EG and the reduction of SGBV. The strategies put forward will include training, information, education and communication (IEC) materials and activities, national awareness/advocacy campaigns and the setting up of savings and solidarity mechanisms, mainly solidarity mutual societies. Similarly, the project will select at least eight CSOs and CBOs to assist them in the preparation and implementation of their capacity building plan. Secondly, the Project will strengthen the capacity of two professional associations (AISFH and SHOG) so that they can combine their efforts to more effectively support adolescent and women’s SRHR, GA and rights-based care. To this end, PASSREL will contribute to their organisational strengthening and the updating of ongoing training programmes for their members and other care providers in the field of SRHR, more specifically in the areas of cervical cancer prevention, obstetric fistula repair and the provision of services to adolescent girls. The project will also support the implementation of visibility and advocacy activities related to SRHR, carried out jointly or in collaboration with other key players at community and other levels. This inter-association collaboration is innovative and constitutes a remarkable vehicle for asserting the rights of adolescent girls, women and marginalised people to decision-makers.
Some of the major achievements of year 2: – During this period, the PMO and PTA1 were validated by the project steering committee. steering committee. This made it possible to launch the procedures for the start-up of project activities.
activities. – The official launch of the project took place in the first quarter of year 2, on 5 July 2022. The launch workshop brought together a number of the project’s stakeholders: the ministries involved in the project, AMC, the project teams in Canada and Haiti, beneficiary representatives, etc. It provided an opportunity to publicise the project’s targets of the project. This stage was important in order to promote a common
vision of the project and get the stakeholders on board right from the start. of the project. – The identification of 15 grassroots community organisations (CBOs) on which the the project can rely on to carry out a number of community mobilisation activities. activities. – The baseline study was carried out and the report shared with AMC in July 2022. The aim of the study was to establish a detailed reference situation by by proposing (qualitative and quantitative) reference values taking into account gender dimension for all the indicators contained in the project’s CMR. Diagnostic studies of healthcare institutions were also carried out b period. During the month of April 2022, these made it possible to collect various and analysed the needs of 6 healthcare institutions in the Croix des-Bouquets Croix-des-Bouquets district, and will provide specific support to these healthcare specific support to these health institutions in order to strengthen them, particularly in the (implementation of reporting systems/joint monitoring visits). In addition, the report on the mapping of centres has been finalised and shared with AMC in June 2022. – A coordination office near Croix-des-Bouquets has been set up. This local office will improve links and coordination with operational community players, in particular the 24 ASCPs and 45 peer educators who peer educators who have been recruited. In the current security context, the will enable us to better support our teams in the field in planning and carrying out in the planning and implementation of project activities, and to be closer to local stakeholders in order to improve community support for the project. Capacity building for stakeholders was at the heart of year 2. A total of 16 training sessions were held for the benefit of the Haitian consortium’s technical the Haitian consortium (SHOG, ASFH and FOSREF) and the project’s stakeholders stakeholders, i.e. members of grassroots community organisations (CBOs), the staff of the targeted health institutions and members of the staff of government bodies. All of the training provided in Year 2 reached 359 people. These training sessions covered various themes, depending on the participants, such as: safety management, environmental integration, gender equality and inclusion, respectful maternity care, basic training for CHWs, basic training for peer educators educators, exchange workshops with state institutions, etc. Finally, the consortium’s implementing partners received training in “leadership in times of crisis”. This session enabled them to develop the right approaches to operating effectively and safely in a volatile socio-political and security volatile socio-political and security context such as Haiti’s. The main events at the start of the third year of the PASSREL project were 1) the launch of the community participation coordination structure process, in conjunction with the UAS participation, in conjunction with the UAS, 2) validation of the environmental management plan by representatives of the targeted health institutions and the UAS, 3) the development of participator forms, in a participatory manner, with a view to collecting data during SRHR consultations in health institutions, in order to provide information for the ultimate outcome indicators, 4) the setting up of a mobile clinic in the Croix-des-Bouquets commune, 5) the preparation of joint supervision visits to health institutions, 6) the launch of the MUSO implementation of MUSO by the CBOs, and 7) planning for the arrival of the PASSRE PASSREL team delegation to Canada. In addition to carrying out a number of key project activities, the first half of year 3 has increased the knowledge and awareness of the population of the Croix-des-Bouquets Croix-des-Bouquets. Indeed, the project’s global approach is beginning to bear fruit by targeting various key players in the commune, including government bodies and health government bodies and health institutions, with a view to making the project’s actions more to promote social and individual change in favour of the right to sexual and reproductive health to sexual and reproductive health for Haitian men and women in the project area.