Reporting Organization: | Government of Tanzania - Ministry of Finance |
Total Budget ($CAD): | $ 50,000,000 |
Timeframe: | April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2016 |
Status: | Completion |
Contact Information: | Unspecified |
Government of Tanzania - Ministry of Finance
Tanzania, United Republic of - $ 50,000,000.00 (100.00%) | |
Primary Health Care (15 %) | |
Financing for Development (34.8 %) | |
Education (33 %) | |
Food Security & Agriculture (10.6 %) | |
WASH (6.6 %) | |
This project aims to contribute to growth and the reduction of poverty, the improvement of quality of life and social well-being and good governance and accountability in Tanzania. This contribution represents CIDA’s support to the implementation of the Government of Tanzania’s (GoT) National Strategy for Growth and the Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP 2010-2015). Stakeholders involved in this initiative include: the Government of Tanzania, represented mainly by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, and contributing development partners including Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Germany, Norway, Sweden, the UK, the World Bank, the European Union, and the African Development Bank. CIDA is working in close collaboration with other donors and the Government of Tanzania to strengthen the effectiveness of its aid through: focusing on effective, transparent, and accountable country systems; increasing coordination and harmonization among donors; and reinforcing mutual accountability. This project fosters greater policy dialogue between CIDA, the Government of Tanzania, and partners, which helps to reinforce efforts for effective, focused aid and long-term development results. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of this project is undertaken by CIDA in coordination with other donors. CIDA’s contribution, along with other donors, supports activities such as: amending, developing and implementing policies, bills and acts that facilitate: business activities (registration), agriculture and irrigation development, pay and incentives, oversight, and help to reduce corruption; providing subsidies for agricultural inputs (food stock management and infrastructure) linking producers and small and medium-sized enterprises to national and international markets; recruiting and training health and education professionals; supporting core reform programs by training public servants in areas such as financial management, budget preparation, procurement planning/monitoring/evaluation, and ethics; rehabilitating and building roads, schools, medical dispensaries, water and sanitation systems; procuring textbooks, medicines, and office supplies; and putting in to place mechanisms that involve civil society for improved public policy and accountability processes.
Gender and age: | Under-5 children |
Total Direct Population: | Unspecified |
Return to topUnspecified
At the end of Canada’s contribution to this project, the Government of Tanzania had made several significant achievements: (1) increased investment in the education sector led to a doubling of primary school enrollments and a growth in primary to secondary transition rates from 20% in 2006 to 54% in 2012; (2) the number of government departments using performance management tools to measure service delivery has risen to 79% (up from 66% in 2005); (3) increased the overall length of the national roads network from 25,846km in 2008 to 29,428km in 2011 – an expansion of nearly 14% over three years; (4) increased the function and capacity of the National Audit Office which has resulted in improved scope, timeliness and quality of audit reports; (5) Tanzania’s Human Development Index increased from 0.364 in 2000 to 0.466 in 20011, shifting from significantly below the Sub-Saharan Africa average to slightly above it; (6) Under five mortality rates fell by almost 40%, and nearly 90% of children are vaccinated against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus; (7) Environmental Action Plans were developed, ready for implementation by 5 key ministries (Agriculture, Health, Infrastructure, Water, and Minerals and Energy). All of these achievements have contributed to the improved well-being of Tanzanians, particularly in the areas of health and education, as well as improved governance, transparency, accountability and management in the public sectors.