Recovery of Agriculture and Food Security Impacted by Earthquake in Sigi district

Reporting Organization:ADRA Canada
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 746,802
Timeframe: August 1, 2022 - July 31, 2025
Status: Implementation
Contact Information: Avish Raj
[email protected]

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

ADRA Canada

Participating Organizations

  • NGOs

    • ADRA Indonesia

Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

Indonesia - $ 746,802.00 (100.00%)

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Areas of Focus

Other - Total Budget Allocation

Food Security & Agriculture (60.00 %)

Environment & Climate Change (20.00 %)

Gender Equality (20.00 %)

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This project is a follow up action to the REAF project implemented in Sigi district of Central Sulawesi Province in Indonesia. The project will continue to work with about 500 participants from the previous project. The ultimate outcome of the project is to enhance food security of disaster and COVID-19 affected population in Sigi district of Central Sulawesi province. Two intermediate outcomes are: (1) Stabilized and/or Improved availability and access to food for male and female headed HHs affected by Central Sulawesi earthquake and COVID-19; (2) Increased empowerment of women and girls as change agents and leaders. Developing vibrant farmers groups through facilitation of group development plan, linking with, and leveraging resources from village and district government will be emphasized. The project will also promote local capital formation and access to finance through group level saving and credit. Farmer field school approach will be strengthened learning from the gaps in the previous project and further enhancing capacity of lead farmers/animal health workers (AHWs) and developing new lead farmers/AHWs wherever necessary. Poor and vulnerable HHs particularly impacted by recurrent floods who have limited livelihood assets will be supported to restock animals in pass-on mechanism. Off-farm training will be provided to about 20% of participants to enhance their skills gained during REAF project. Local input supply agents will be trained and linked with suppliers to enhance access to input markets. Likewise, FMS approach will be taken to increase participants understanding of market. The project will ensure that women representation is at least 50% in direct participants. Local gender and protection network will be established in each village with 50% women in those committees. The project will work to change gender knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions by educating the community about gender equality and GBV through established gender equality advocates and networks and other channels such as community campaigns. 

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Target Population

Gender and age: Adult men Adult women
Descriptors: Rural
Total Direct Population: 539
Total Indirect Population: 2,431
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77 Farmer facilitators and animal health workers trained
247 Male and female farmers trained on agriculture and livestock
80 Livestock provided to most vulnerable HHs
40 Skill training to off-farm enterpreneur
500 Increased awareness on gender and protection issues through different channels and mediums (people reached)
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results

The ultimate outcome of the project is to enhance food security of disaster and COVID-19 affected population in Sigi district of Central Sulawesi province.

Two intermediate outcomes are:

(1) Stabilized and/or Improved availability and access to food for male and female headed HHs affected by Central Sulawesi earthquake and COVID-19;

(2) Increased empowerment of women and girls as change agents and leaders.

Achieved Results


  • None Selected
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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