Resilienet Livelihoods and Enhanced Food Security in Northern Dhading

Reporting Organization:ADRA Canada
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 1,042,760
Timeframe: January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2026
Status: Implementation
Contact Information: Avish Raj
[email protected]

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

ADRA Canada

Participating Organizations

  • NGOs

    • ADRA Nepal

Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

Nepal - $ 1,042,760.00 (100.00%)

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Areas of Focus

Other - Total Budget Allocation

Food Security & Agriculture (80.00 %)

Gender Equality (20.00 %)

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The main goal of the project is to enhance food security and climate resilience of the community by increasing food availability, accessibility and income diversification while strengthening climate adaptive capacity through gender sensitive project actions. The key activities proposed in the project comprises- Climate Field School for climate adaptive vegetable and goat rearing practices, Improvement of local goat breeds; “passing on the gift” model to build livelihood assets for vulnerable women. Construction of MUS, water ponds and water harvesting technologies; Preparation and implementation of community-based adaptation plans (CBAPs); strengthening community saving and credit scheme; FMS to improve marketing knowledge; development of local service providers; Increase awareness on gender equality among project participants and the local government. The project is based on three pillars – 1. Increased availability and access to food ; 2. Improved access to extension services, finance and market, and 3. Increased women participation in decision making. Farmers are found to have poor access to improved crop varieties/breeds of animal with inadequate knowledge, capacity and access to improved technologies. Scarcity of water has forced them to rely on rain-fed farming making it vulnerable to climate change impacts. Agriculture and Livestock extension services of the government are poor and financial services are inaccessible for poor and marginalized families including female headed HHs. Leadership development was found to be poor amongst women and have very less decision-making authority both at the household and community level. The project will work with 1600 farmer groups members from 80 groups of which 50 percent will be women members. The proposed project will help farmers to acquire skills and knowledge on climate adaptive farming practices, along with support in acquiring livelihood assets for most vulnerable women. A network of community champions will be developed on crop, livestock, markets and gender. Local capital formation an access to market will be strengthened capacity on group saving and credit. Likewise, gender awareness and actions in community as well as with local government will help to create an enabling environment for gender equity and increase women participation in decision making at HH and community level. The project will work directly with 1,600 HHs. Majority of them belong to ethnic minorities and disadvantaged people such as Tamangs and Dalits. The project will be located in Gangajamuna and Khaniyabas rural municipalities of Dhading district in Bagmati province in Nepal. 

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Target Population

Gender and age: Adult men Adult women
Descriptors: Indigenous peoples Rural
Total Direct Population: 1,712
Total Indirect Population: 9,284
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1,600 Farmers trained on climate resilient agriculture practices
15 Community water assets and infrastructures constructed and rehabilitated
102 Community level agriculture and veterinary service providers trained and mobilized
160 Farmer groups trained and mentored on saving and credit
24 Gender Champion from the vulnerable community capacitated and mobilized
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results

Achieved Results


  • None Selected
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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