Support to the Global Plan to Stop Tuberculosis 2016-2020

Reporting Organization:WHO - World Health Organization
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 200,000
Timeframe: March 31, 2014 - December 31, 2015
Status: Completion
Contact Information: Unspecified

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

WHO - World Health Organization

Participating Organizations

Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Region - Total Budget Allocation

Sub-Saharan Africa - $ 88,140.00 (44.07%)

Southeast Asia - $ 23,340.00 (11.67%)

Europe - $ 20,000.00 (10.00%)

South Asia - $ 19,080.00 (9.54%)

East Asia - $ 16,980.00 (8.49%)

North Africa - $ 11,860.00 (5.93%)

Central Asia - $ 10,600.00 (5.30%)

South America - $ 6,960.00 (3.48%)

Central America - $ 3,040.00 (1.52%)

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Areas of Focus

Health - Total Budget Allocation

Infectious & Communicable Diseases (100 %)

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This project contributes to global efforts to eradicate tuberculosis by supporting the Stop Tuberculosis Partnership of the World Health Organization (WHO). It aims to develop and produce the Global Plan to Stop Tuberculosis (2016-2020) which guides countries, partners and donors in the prioritization of actions towards the long-term goal of eradicating tuberculosis. The plan outlines activities towards the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis across the world, including details such as costs, locations and implementing organizations. Activities include: (1) Developing an implementation plan based on up to 10 country profiles and 10 regional profiles; (2) holding stakeholder, civil society and web-based consultations; and (3) hiring research and writing consultants to coordinate inputs and draft the Plan.

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Target Population

Gender and age: Unspecified
Total Direct Population: Unspecified
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results

The expected ultimate outcome for this project is a measurable and costed Stop Tuberculosis Global Plan with clear, strategic objectives for the implementing tuberculosis programs across the world.

Achieved Results

The main result achieved as of the end of the project (December 2015), through the support of the Government of Canada and other international donors, is the development and launch of the Global Plan to End TB 2016-2020: The Paradigm Shift by the Stop TB Partnership. The Global Plan is a costed investment plan representing the roadmap for the next five years for accelerating impact on the tuberculosis (TB) epidemic in order to reach the targets and milestones set out in the World Health Organization’s End TB Strategy. The Global Plan guides countries, donors and partners on the prioritization of activities, points of advocacy, and investment decisions in order to meet the long-term goal of ending the global TB epidemic. The plan integrates inputs from an expert task force, four regional consultation meetings, a two month on-line consultation, and data from 9 national TB programs to outline investment packages that could be implemented to reach the targets set in the Plan.


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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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