Support to the International AIDS Society for the XIX International AIDS Conference

Reporting Organization:International AIDS Society
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 311,300
Timeframe: March 19, 2012 - March 31, 2013
Status: Completion
Contact Information: Unspecified

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

International AIDS Society

Participating Organizations

Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Region - Total Budget Allocation

Europe - $ 77,825.00 (25.00%)

Sub-Saharan Africa - $ 68,610.52 (22.04%)

South America - $ 54,135.07 (17.39%)

Southeast Asia - $ 25,931.29 (8.33%)

Central America - $ 23,689.93 (7.61%)

South Asia - $ 21,230.66 (6.82%)

East Asia - $ 18,864.78 (6.06%)

Central Asia - $ 11,798.27 (3.79%)

North Africa - $ 9,214.48 (2.96%)

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Areas of Focus

Health - Total Budget Allocation

HIV (50 %)

Sexual Health & Rights (50 %)

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The project provides support to the International AIDS Society to deliver scientific and plenary sessions at the XIX International AIDS Conference on topics related to CIDA’s priorities and programs in HIV/AIDS, and supports the conference’s international scholarship programs for delegates from low income countries. The International AIDS Conference is the world’s largest health and development conference. It brings together people from developed and developing countries working in the field of HIV/AIDS, as well as researchers, policy makers, persons living with HIV and other individuals committed to ending the pandemic. The XIX International AIDS Conference was held in Washington, D.C, from July 22th to 27th, 2012.

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Target Population

Gender and age: Unspecified
Total Direct Population: Unspecified
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results

The expected intermediate outcomes for this project include: knowledge about, implementation of, and scale-up of evidence-informed HIV/AIDS strategies and programs are advanced; multi-stakeholder dialogue is enhanced; accessibility and diversity of the conference is improved; and capacity of scholarship recipients to contribute to the global HIV response and to advocate for, develop, and implement effective, evidence-based HIV/AIDS interventions is enhanced.

Achieved Results

Results achieved as of the end of the project (August, 2012) include: the 2012 Conference brought together 23,767 participants representing 183 countries; 194 sessions were held and 9 scientific prizes and awards were administered; 14,474 downloads of the AIDS 2012 mobile application were downloaded; and 77,945 visits to the website were made during the conference. Of the surveyed Conference participants, 73% indicated they gained new knowledge by participating in the conference, 57% generated new contacts and opportunities for future collaboration, and 56% gained motivation, renewed energy and a better sense of the purpose for combating HIV.


  • None Selected
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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