The project seeks to strengthen livelihoods and improve food security for women, girls, and other vulnerable members of pastoral community households most affected by climate-related shocks in Turkana Central. by enhancing climate-resilient agricultural and pastoral livelihoods, promoting alternative off-farm enterprises, including value addition, marketing and village savings and loans schemes while also enhancing decision-making and leadership abilities and opportunities for women and other vulnerable groups both at household and community level. Key project interventions will include: 1) Capacity building and training of women, girls, and other vulnerable groups on climate-resilient agricultural and pastoral livelihood practices, including training of community resource persons (lead farmers and farmer trainers) on to facilitate Farmer-to-farmer (F2F) extension through FFS approach, 2) ensuring access to resources for agricultural and pastoral livelihoods including training of community input agents (CIA) and linking them to established stockists, agrovets and other input suppliers, 3) providing capacity and skills for women, girls, and other vulnerable groups to adopt and practice alternative off-farm micro-enterprises, value addition, and marketing, 4) training and linkage with financial services and products including in-community savings and loaning mechanism such as village savings and loaning- VSLs, 5) capacitating women and other vulnerable people to make decisions and to control resources at household and community while also advocating for meaningful inclusion and participation of women and other vulnerable people in community leadership and governance and finally 6) creating awareness on gender-based violence, including response and prevention, among women, men, girls, and boys at the household and community level.